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RE: [Recipes] Celebrating Healing Plants - Issue # 6 - Wild Rose (Rosa Woodsii)

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago

Cool that you were into that sort of thing as a teen! Did you make the rose syrup with honey or sugar? Did it work well? Was there any other remedies that you used to make up? Oh yes! The rose hips are considered a survival food up here in the north for it is one of the few foods you can pick in the winter, when most everything else is under the snow.


There was a little garden at my parents place so I’ve grown up with that. At kids could play with all sort of tools without surveillance lol, that’s why I’m into diy now.

The rose syrup was with sugar. I can’t remember if it was working but it did taste good 😂

Other natural medicinal stuffs was mainly Vietnamese herbs such as the fish mint for sore throat, regular turmeric for healing wound avoiding scars, inhalation with mixed herbs including orange leaves, lemongrass etc... also as a teen I bought a French book about medicinal herbs and would go buy dried plants we didn’t have in the garden at the local pharmacy. It was more for fun at the time but now I realise I was doing the right thing.

Wonderful that you had that freedom as a child. I was able to give that to my son as we lived in a forest community when he was growing up where the kids were out all day making different stuff (even experimented with making straw, clay bricks) not a bunch of expensive plastic toys.
So interesting that you picked that up as a teen. Indeed it is a valuable resource to have. That's different that you could go buy dried plants at the pharmacy - nothing like that here in pharmacies during my time but in the olden days there was. It's all just pills and other pharmaceuticals but the health food stores would sell different dried plants that you could purchase. I love to have my book resources for identifying herbs in my area and the different uses - I'm also always eager to learn from any elders, many that is all they had for medicines in this area - we are kind of far from any hospital.

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