New podcast episode featuring a conversation with Naturopath Mario Tarasco on accessibility, harm-reduction, the opiate crisis and more.

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)


**### So hey Steemworld, I released a new podcast episode a few days ago interviewing my friend Mario who has gone from an herbalist and amateur botanist to a full fledged naturopath working in community healthcare especially at-risk populations. **

IMG_6861.jpg (a friend of Mario's and Mario)

I really enjoyed this interview because I felt as though I learned a lot about the complexity of opiate addiction, providing accessible care to folks without insurance, or folks who are migrant workers, or trans youth and more.

Mario is based near Portland, Oregon. He was one of the folks I met up with while traveling the Pacific Northwest this summer. I'm still releasing interviews from that time!

20180813 17:21:54.464.JPG *(here's the room we interviewed in! My friend Ellen's apartment) *

20180817 15:06:48.860.JPG *(scenes from Portland, where I did the interview with Mario) *

**##### Here's the post from my blog on it, and a link to the audio: **

WE TALK ABOUT in this episode of the Ground Shots Podcast (#8):

How Oregon's laws make it easier than in other states for Naturopathic doctors to provide care for low-income and at-risk populations like trans youth, migrant workers, and more.

Navigating how Naturopathic Medicine can be inaccessible and different techniques for working with people where they are culturally, financially, physically, etc.

Mario's experiences working at the Rainbow gathering's first aid station while apprenticing for herbalists Corey-Pine Shane of the Blue Ridge School of Herbal Medicine and Sevensong of the Northeast School of Herbal Medicine and how these experiences in the field influenced the trajectory of his work.

Taking the harm-reduction approach to providing care for folks with addiction and the importance of non-shaming and meeting people where they are and where they want to be with their health.


Mario on Instagram: @amtarasco

Mario's email if you have any questions: [email protected]

Meet the Residents page on National University of Naturopathic Medicine's website featuring Mario and other current residents




Really been looking forward to this one babe!!! I usually listen to them when I do my big walk around the town, so may not get a chance for the next few days. x

I think you'll enjoy it @riverflows It's pretty relevant to some of the work going on over at @naturalmedicine. Mario is also funny and smart! It's a good one. :)

I've benn meaning to listen to your podcast! Maybe tonight, this is an interesting subject too. I like the idea of using your knowledge (as Mario is doing) to help low income and at risk people.

yes, totally. I still feel like I don't know how to navigate it with what I do- especially since I try to over-help sometimes. There's a fine balance to be had. Please do let me know what you think once you have listened!

You are a natural... the podcast spunds like you've done more than just 8 episodes!

We found out our trailer had a few leaks this past summer, it rained so much on the east coast, it's like our place was being hosed down none stop!

Teaching or helping people grow a garden can really be a good start, good on Mario for doing what he is doing, it takes a big heart to take care of people at no charge... even in the middle of a rainbow gathering

you listened? thanks... sometimes I feel like I am such a novice! mainly i need to get over being nervous doing the intros.. and asking hard questions. taking this month off and starting back up in january with more episodes..

Yep I found some time that day to have a listen while I was cleaning my room!

Keep it up, I personally did not hear your nervousness. Looking at patterns, it seems that audio is where the future of education will be... you don't have to waste tine being stuck on a screen!

audio as the future of education, yes. It's definitely pushing my boundaries to go there. I am really enjoying doing the interviews, though, for sure.

I hope you keep doing more! Thanks for all your work😁

Naturopathy is giving very good results in combating ailments and nice to read that Oregon's law supports such treatments. Wishing good luck to Mario.

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