Arnica and its health benefits.

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago

Community of @steemit, the use of arnica for health is very common. In arnica flowers there are essential oils, tannins, ascorbic acid, betaine, alkaloids, fatty oils, sugars and many other useful substances. The rhizomes also contain essential oils, wax, resin and gum.


The tincture of the arnica flowers serves to regulate the tone of the central nervous system and reduce the reflex excitability of the cerebral cortex. The tincture has a good anticonvulsive action. It is appreciated as a strong sedative effect.

The decoction made of arnica flowers is considered a good remedy for worms and is used successfully to treat enterobiosis. The infusion has a hemostatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

In addition to the tincture, the decoction of the roots of arnica is popular, as it has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system and, most importantly, helps improve the work of the heart muscle and dilates the coronary vessels. It is important to keep in mind that the decoction has the ability to accelerate the heart rate and increase the amplitude of contractions of the heart muscle.

The decoction of arnica helps in the treatment of bloody diarrhea, gout, bronchitis, gastric diseases, influenza, epilepsy. It is often used for seizures caused by lifting weights.

Alcohol tincture of arnica flowers taken orally serves for various hemorrhages, for example, nasal. It helps the dye when applied externally in case of pain in the muscles, fractures, dislocations. Effectively means for nervous diseases, inflammation of the veins, with various gastrointestinal problems.

Externally, water extract of arnica flowers is also used. It is effective for poultices, compresses, which are used for rashes on the skin and lips, for furunculosis, bruising, mild abrasions, minor cuts, rheumatism and lumbago.

The infusion of arnica copes well with bruises, various pustular skin diseases, minor burns and frostbite.

Arnica effectively treats trophic ulcers and strengthens blood vessels in the brain.

Arnica tincture is popular not only in traditional medicine, but also in official medicine. With success, alcohol tincture is used in gynecological practice, especially for internal bleeding.

Arnica is used for myocarditis, hypertension, thrombophlebitis, heart failure, sclerosis, angina and is also effective in restoring and seriously rehabilitating patients after a stroke and a heart attack.

Even dentists recommend the use of arnica for various inflammations of the mouth and throat. To do this, rinse and rinse the oral cavity with arnica. The fact is that the plant improves blood circulation and, therefore, the resistance of the oral mucosa is stimulated. Half a teaspoon of tincture of arnica raised in a glass of warm water and gargle.


We @farms were not aware of some of the great benefits you have brought to light, thanks for enlighten us on this area.


SteemChurch Farm (@farms)

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