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RE: U R What U Think 🤔

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago

I try to not box anything into categories of good and bad

is a great philosophy

Hope you feel great on your new-found food path. I listened to a Sadhguru Youtube clip about food last night. He does talk a lot of sense.

I suppose this is what happens when I spend most of the week ranting about football on Sportstalk and miss all the posts here!

However, my soul is refreshed after dropping hundreds of flags on assorted Sports spammers with my decent sized Stake there. It has given me renewed vigour and an enormous sense of well being.

I hope to see you on there soon as I am sure your new-found zest for health will manifest itself in an exercise and fitness program too.

Approaching 40.....hmmmmmmmm how much is a Porsche in Malaysia?


Porsche shmorse 😂 I'll keep my perfectly planned obsolescence Nissan through the crisis !

Flagging sports spammers does sound satisfying indeed. I need to get sporty myself. As a kid I wanted to be a sports writer now I can pretend to be one. I've got some ideas bouncing around..

I've not heard sadhguru say anything that I couldn't nod in agreement to. I'd like to shoot the shit with him compare and contrast our baba approach..Steem is like my guru grooming testing centre.. I'll be offering energetically charged universal soul alignments for some token soon enough..

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, I've been listening to him for a while now. He just comes over as such as nice guy and similar to high-end monks I've chatted to. They have a scientific..or at least true reason for everything they say or claim.

In the Abrahamic religions, it always ends up with 'because God says so' or 'because its Gods will' but debate in the Hindu, Buddhist philosophies NEVER end up this way.

Perhaps you're finally settling into a niche which is cool......but have a rant occasionally please!

I'm not missing the God says folks that's for sure.. And to cross comment on our multiple choice content I'll say in jest it's God's will that I keep to my ranting roots.. Not the cool rational God, the I said so wrathful one, that makes poor products and then acts like a petulant child and smites them.. The talking snake tells me to steem on...

Posted using Partiko Android

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