The Power of a Healing Walk in Nature... and an Angel in the Clouds

Hola Fellow Steemians! Have you ever noticed that you can walk in the mountains and not see a soul for hours and not feel alone... and yet feel totally isolated in the middle of a busy shopping mall? This is the healing power of nature.

Today I took myself off out. I needed to clear my head, feel the wind in my hair and to be honest have a good cry and know I wouldn't be interrupted or spied on. Sometimes you just have to let it all hang out. It might not be pretty, but letting emotions flow is part of our growth and essential for healing and moving forward.

So, I pulled on my purple wellies, favourite big jumper and waterproof... jammed my phone in my back pocket and headed out the door... without a clue as to where I was going. I got to the top of our track and chose left. Left, took me back up the hill and I noticed an old track that was totally grown over and unused... and decided to follow it.

I passed two dilapidated old ruins and saw a collection of bee hives down below that I had never known were there... and the views just took my breath away.

The clouds were dark, grey and dramatic, the sun was peeking through...the reservoirs were rippling under the wild wind... the mountains were layered through the haze... and Mother Earth reached out to hug my confused, hurting heart. I sat on a stone and sobbed as my heart drank in the love that surrounded me and held me. It was a much needed release.

I felt safe, heard and held.


My distress began to ease and the heaviness in my chest began to lift and my rapidly racing heart began to slow down. I could feel I was moving through an energetic shift and healing. It was as if I became detached from myself... and out of time. I most definitely wasn't alone. I saw the intricate detail of everything around me... it all felt distant and yet part of me.... time stopped... I could feel the love of unseen presences around me. I reached out to my 'guide' and a wave of familiar love washed over me and I surrendered into their support and gave up trying to hold it all together. Mother Earth grounded me and held me as I gave up the pretence... as I surrendered into my vulnerability... as I acknowledged the truth of my feelings.... and let go.

I don't know how long I was there... but I became aware of the goat herd bells coming closer and decided I didn't want to see anyone and perhaps have to talk, explain or 'anything'. I began walking back down the track to discover what the other direction would offer. It was just as beautiful. And I felt more tears wash down over my face... and I wondered if anyone else is healed and nurtured by simply being nature and witnessing a stunning view. Do they ever see or feel the beauty as I do?

I don't want mind numbing nights out with tequila shots or superficial hugs for comfort... the love I need is out there in the wild... where I am free to commune with the wild.... commune with the wild me... and simply be.

Life... what a gift and what a challenge... and yet all is held within the same breath.

Today, I chose to breathe in love... and release all that is not of love... and Mother Earth held me and loved me through every exquisite, heart breaking moment... and she sent me an angel through the clouds. This is the power of her healing.

All my love,
Sally xx


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A lovely read Sally, I hope you are feeling more relaxed and relieved after your healing outing. Sending you a big hug! xx

Thank you @gardeningchef... I'm feeling much better and have gone to bed very early! Time for Zzzzzz... Big hugs back 🤗xx

I don't want mind numbing nights out with tequila shots or superficial hugs for comfort... the love I need is out there in the wild... where I am free to commune with the wild.... commune with the wild me... and simply be.


I love these dramatic clouds and views... Wind and water for me are the elements that help me clear my mind :-)

I love that you know the elements that help you @soyrosa ... it's so important to align with nature! Water is such a cleansing force through our tears and also in so many other ways! Sending love 🤗

... and yet, when I do these sorts of things... they call it "pyromania"... ;-)


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