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RE: Natural Medicine - growing Lavender for Smudging

Cool. Excepting that one Cherokee ancestor, I have a pretty good handle on my ancestry on the maternal side. It’s mostly Scottish. Back in the 70s and 80s, my Gran traced the family line. She began with family Bibles that faithfully recorded descendants back more than 200 years in America – in fact, the first ancestor set down in the oldest Bible was the one who immigrated to America. From there, she was able to pick up the trail from peerage records because the family was nobility before coming to the States (the Grahams of Montrose). Gran was, herself, a Graham. She also had a family Bible for my mother’s paternal side that was over 150 years old and had the family tree set down in it too, up to her ex-husband’s generation. My own paternal ancestry isn’t as precise, but is known to be Scottish (the Averitt clan) and British and Irish (the Bristoe family is known to be British and Irish).


Awesome... amazing to learn about our origins and family history. Luckily it was recorded in family bibles and places like that... I can’t find much on my dad’s side since my great grandfather was adopted in Calabria Italy. I learned my YDNA Haplogroup is is E1b1b1 and still trying to trace my origins in Italy.

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I hope your search is successful

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