
Always happy to help! I enjoy posting on herbals, they fascinate me! The idea of free medicine, that works better; is a game changer.

My Daughter is a pharmacist; so she is not thrilled, but you can't have everything, RPOFLOL! She calls it my heresy....

But this heresy has me much healthier than I was 15 years ago; so I will remain a heretic, and stay healthy!


My daughter's an RN, and I get the same crap. A daughter-in-law is a PhD geneticist and she's the same way. My grand daughters are getting all shot up with vaccines. Makes me so angry...but I've managed to bite my far.

My wife and one Sister are RNs, but they are on board with the herbals (I wore them down with good results) My Daughter is two hours away, so she can't see the gains.

I worry for my grandson too! I am trying to, at least, get them to buy the shot not made with Mercury....


Is there a vaccine that TPTB "approve" (and that let's you got to school and live in America) that DOESN'T have mercury?

Yes, the doctors use it for their own children, and it is expensive. But it is made without mercury.

Too damn many shots these days for sure! :'(

The shear volume of medicines needs a through review, and an 80% reduction!


Seriously?? And they force mercury into the blood stream's of everyone else's kids? THEY SHOULD BE STRUNG UP!!!

The ones to hang, are the politicians who take money to pass these laws; while they are supposed to be protecting us! Also, the drug companies that get rich by poisoning our Children!

Most doctors have been brainwashed for 8 years, and believe they are helping us. Most use the same poison on their own kids....


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