
Thanks my friend, there is a part 2 similar article too. I got crazy, ROFLOL!

But it was fun to see what I could find in my yard. There were more than I thought there were, so the second one got fun too.

I appreciate the support, my friend! I really llike the naturalmedicine tag!


Is that tag a decent payer?

Yes with a good post. This one was $5.50 range, so that is pretty good, but I just like the subject area. Been studying this for a long time, for medicine, and it is nice to share the information with people that will use it.

And, I have met some good people here too.


Very cool. DO you think that "naturalmedicine" is a group here, though, or just a lucky guess at a good general tag?

It is a group I was invited to join, and I have done some posts in the past for them. I am now able to reach discord, but I am still figuring that server out, ROFLOL!

But naturalmedicine has some very good content that I enjoy reading! I have learned a lot from the authors there too.

It is a natural fit for me, and I will keep posting there as time allows!


Cool. Thanks for the info, Toby.

Always happy to help! I enjoy posting on herbals, they fascinate me! The idea of free medicine, that works better; is a game changer.

My Daughter is a pharmacist; so she is not thrilled, but you can't have everything, RPOFLOL! She calls it my heresy....

But this heresy has me much healthier than I was 15 years ago; so I will remain a heretic, and stay healthy!


My daughter's an RN, and I get the same crap. A daughter-in-law is a PhD geneticist and she's the same way. My grand daughters are getting all shot up with vaccines. Makes me so angry...but I've managed to bite my far.

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