My survival experience using natural herbs

Today, I decided to participate in an incredible challenge organized by @NaturalMedicine. The challenge is survival medicine. What natural medications would you take with you if you were only allowed a maximum of 3 items.

This reminded me of my childhood. I do not have a photo of that occasion. What I still have is my razor that I have always kept, as a memory of that moment.

About 20 years ago, my brother and I went out to hunt wild rabbits in the mountains. I always carried my backpack with some accessories, for that occasion I remember (water, matches, alcohol, a metal container, a knife, two sanitary napkins, a bandage roll, a small flashlight and cookies). It was about 7 o'clock at night and we were mountain well away from the town and we had hunted several rabbits when we decided to return, we saw a pig boar, I ran and I rode in a tree, my brother faced him stumbled on a log and shot the shotgun and wild boar He fled. When I came down from the tree to help my brother I saw that his leg had been crossed by a trunk stem, I immediately took out the leg and to stop the bleeding, I made a tourniquet with a strip that I made with his flannel and a stick, I sat him in near a tree, we could not go down the mountain anymore because in the fall all the weight of his body received him on his feet it seemed that his ankle was fractured or sprained because it had inflamed like a soccer ball. So look for dry branch I made a fire to have light and save the flashlight for emergency, once being the quietest I started to check the wound, it was a deep cut only had alcohol but I remembered that it is that mountain abounds wild plant like aloe, Rosemary and cockroach grass.
So apply my little knowledge that my grandmother had taught me about medicinal herbs.


SABILA: they are leaves like small maguey, their leaves are fleshy green fleshy lanceolate shape very juicy inside. It serves as a healing and anti-inflammatory can deflate feet and ankle.
Wash the wound with alcohol and grab an aloe leaf and remove the stalk and apply directly to the skin then take one of the sanitary pads and cover the wound with a piece of bandage.

ROMERO: is a very aromatic shrub that has both culinary uses and medicinal applications. It can grow up to two meters, it withstands the cold well and stays green all year round. The leaves of the rosemary bush are compound and appear opposite. On the palate, the flavor of the leaves is somewhat spicy. The flowers of the rosemary plant are blue and almost always leave the armpits of the leaves. It serves to reduce swelling.
For the inflammation of the ankle, grab another slice of aloe and crush it and place it inside the base with a sprig of rosemary and stir and form a pasty cream and apply warm on his ankle then wrapped his ankle with the remaining bandage.

CUCARACHA Wild plant cultivated in some mountains and humid forests, hillsides and margins of rivers, in lands of medium and quite elevation of recognized by its medicinal properties. It is a perennial, creeping grass, 30 to 70 cm long, the stems and leaves purple or grayish green, terminal spats and pink flowers. This herb can be used to scare insect prevent and relieve its bites.
To spend the night in the open air and avoid the mosquito bite, make a natural repellent. We proceeded to externally apply the fresh cockroach plant in the form of friction with this away the mosquitoes sancudos and flea.
At dawn we proceeded down the mountain with the help of an improvised crutch, the bleeding from the wound had stopped and my brother's ankle was quite deflated.
Thanks to the @NaturalMedicine team for continuously publishing excellent content and creating contests that help us learn.

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Nice choice. Plus you can eat Aloe and Rosemary. Not sure about cucaracha... is that edible at all?

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No the cockroach is not edible

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