White Acacia and its benefits


The white acacia is a large tree whose height reaches 15–20 meters. This tree belongs to the legume family, and is very frequently used in the alternative treatment of various diseases. The white acacia has a beautiful and extended crown; Longitudinal cracks are visible on the tree trunk. The trunk of the white acacia is gray-black or gray-brown. The buds and young branches of the acacia are green and smooth. Acacia leaves are egg-shaped and are in front of petioles for 7-21 pieces. The outer side of the leaves is smooth and green, and the interior is velvety gray-green. White acacia flowers have white flowers, smell pleasantly and are collected in wilting brushes.

The blooming of the white acacia lasts from the end of May and matures in June. The white acacia is a flat dark brown pod with 4–6 bean-shaped seeds. White acacia was first seen in North America and then transported to the south of our country. This tree grows most frequently in parks, gardens and roads.

In folk medicine, a decoction of white acacia bark is used, which helps people who have exacerbated gastritis or peptic ulcer. Young shoots and leaves are the raw material for the preparation of tinctures, which are taken with exacerbation of peptic ulcer and gastritis. An infusion and a decoction of white acacia flowers are used for kidney, bladder and rheumatism diseases. The flowers are used by combining them with the leaves of the common bearberry, the flowers of the common tansy, as well as the flowers of the blue cornflower and the licorice root.

With uterine fibroids and inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, a decoction prepared from white acacia flowers is taken. To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon of dried flowers and pour two glasses of water, boil and simmer for another 2 minutes to boil a little. After this, strain the contents, cool and add water to obtain as much as before boiling. Such a decoction should be taken daily 3-4 times half an hour before a 1 tablespoon meal. spoon

The tincture of white acacia flowers is taken for infertility. To do this, pour 10 grams of flowers (fresh) 10 grams of alcohol or vodka. All this we insist 10 days. Take this tincture 3 times a day, but not in pure form, but diluted: 20 drops of tincture should be mixed with a tablespoon of water.

With rheumatism, myositis, joint pain and radiculitis rub. To do this, take 2 cups of vodka, fill them with 50 grams of acacia flowers, insist for three weeks in a dark room, but don't forget to stir occasionally. When the mixture is infused, strain and the friction fluid is ready. Rubbing should be done a few times a day.

For coughs and colds or as a means to lower fever, a decoction of white acacia leaves is used. You should take a spoonful of dried, powdered leaves, add 1 cup of boiling water, set on fire and boil for 5 minutes over low heat. After the broth, you should cool, strain and take 1 tablespoon daily before meals.

Acute and chronic cystitis can be cured by collecting white acacia flowers, wheatgrass root and marigold flowers. 50 grams of said collection should be poured with 300 milliliters of water, boil and boil for 8 minutes. Then, the broth should be removed from the heat and insist for 60 minutes, then strain and add more boiling water to the initial volume. You should drink such a decoction daily 3 times before a 50 ml meal.


The tincture of white acacia flowers is taken for infertility. To do this, pour 10 grams of flowers (fresh) 10 grams of alcohol or vodka.


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