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RE: My Yard, herbally Speaking, is a Pharmacy; so is yours!

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago

sir smithlabs! this is a wonderful and educational post. great job!
So that Hawthorne is a tree and you can just take part of a branch and grind it up and eat it?


From my reading, any part of the plant. Some swear by the fruit only, some make tea on the leaves, some think bark, while a few insist it is the roots. The science indicates that all parts of the plant are good to use for medicine.

So use what works. I have been using generic powdered Hawthorne, but when this gets big enough to start using as my primary source, I will use the fruit (Haws) and the leaves, and let the rest grow more!


sir smithlabs! what do you do with the powder? I mean how do you consume it, mix it with a liquid and drink it?

I make capsules just about daily with one of these:


But I do make tinctures and infusions with some of it!


oh how interesting...and you said it brought your blood pressure down?

It will drop Blood pressure 20 points almost immediately, and 30 points at about six months.

I have used it over a decade, and it does GOOD things!


ok sir smithlabs that's good to know, I'll put it on my list of important things to start taking.

You need to add CoQ10 with 60mg capsules too.


sir smithlabs! I just need you to give me a list of what you take. lol.

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