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RE: Smart Plants An Introduction to Nootropics

Adderall and Ritalin have some nasty side effects and are indeed habit forming as well as widely abused so in an attempt to improve on mental acuity drugs, modafinil was invented.

My mind cannot help but to deviate to the mass doping of children that is occurring right now. It hits close to home for me, for reasons I really don't want to delve into atm, but I'm sure just saying that might paint a picture.. It's so convenient for big pharma, to be intricately intertwined into the fear based control system. Unbelievable when you present substantial evidence to suggest this is poisoning, and people say things like "but child protective services will take them if we don't take the advice of the professionals." Or, "Thanks for the advice, but you're not a professional with a doctorate degree."

On a positive note, this is great for the legalization of cannabis, because all these poor kids are going to have anxiety problems and drug addictions from the predisposition of being a victim of corporate greed. They will need some healing from mother earths natural herbs.

Sorry if this was a little off topic, but this is #newsteem bro, we say what we want!
Seriously though, people need to stop hurting our future generations because they are too sheepish to wake the hell up. My opinion, but I think it's logical.


Absolutely love the comment and I almost went there myself. Both my parents were public educators in the indoctrination system and from age 7 or so they were told your child is add and needs medication. Fortunately they thought I just needed some more play time, healthy outlets, and a system that wasn’t archaic and frankly geared towards, well not rambunctious boys. Lol

I think it’s criminal to give meth to developing brains and I’m glad we made it out alive to hit the bong and tell our side of the story.

Cheers no comment is a bad comment in my book

Posted using Partiko iOS

I was fortunate enough that one of my parents had some sense in that department.. I just hope my kids recover, the system is preventing me from taking swift action to prevent it any further..

That really sucks, but I’m a believer in the power of the All is possible. With proper guidance and alternatives it’s amazing what open minds are capable of.

There was a time when I wondered if I’d ever be able to function somewhat normally. It’s miraculous my brain has rewired itself and the rewards system is basically as good as new. I credit psychedelics and a change in environment more than anything to my ongoing recovery.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Definitely, anything is possible brother. If I could survive ten years of alcoholism and cocaine addiction, where falling down and smashing my noggin on concrete was the norm, and made it out with a few brain cells left, then I have to believe that the human body is very resilient indeed.

The irony of it all of course, was that I had to deconstruct the revolving door principles taught in rehabs to actually stay clean. I learned not to question the fallacies in the rehabs and AA/NA meetings, but I wasn't there to convince anyone anyway, I was really trying to get clean.

Cannabis has helped tremendously over the past two years, (another thing you're not allowed to do without being an What a joke..

There was a time when I wondered if I’d ever be able to function somewhat normally. It’s miraculous my brain has rewired itself and the rewards system is basically as good as new. I credit psychedelics and a change in environment more than anything to my ongoing recovery.

Your brain functions great as far as I can tell!
Of all the street drugs I was using while in addiction, I've never even been exposed to psychedelics. (except for one time) You can walk outside my front door and find some crack in two minutes.. but no psychedelics. I tried shrooms one time, and watched everyone trip, while nothing happened to me after eating 3.5 grams, wtf lol.

I guess I'll have to try again when the opportunity presents itself. lol

Psychedelics are fantastic at presenting themselves at the right time.. Tripping while in active addiction is a recipe for bad bad things.. Doors will also not be opened if you're not at the right place in your mind, body, soul to walk through them.. Don't force the issue and it's not a formula for everyone, if you've found stability through a bit of weed great! If some psychedelic cross your path please dm me or someone you trust to discuss the situation..

gawd thinking of hard makes me cringe..

Good on ya mate and keep believing in the possible..

If some psychedelic cross your path please dm me or someone you trust to discuss the situation..

Likewise mate. Thank you for the conversation :)

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