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RE: Datura plants (Jimsonweed, Devil’s Trumpet): Poison or Medicine?

You've had nice trips with this and small doses, but the experience the guy that wrote the review experienced, certainly doesn't sound like much fun, especially after 20 hours and he still can't move? I would never want an experience like that.

The things the guy wrote kind of reminds me of when I tried Salvia divinorum, (which I did three separate times all told). I don't care for the salvia trip at all. I didn't find anything enjoyable with it, just a very strong feeling of constantly being pulled to one side, and little people mocking me about what I'd done to myself lol. Thank goodness it's a very short trip, like only 5 minutes or so, but VERY intense!

I really liked psychedelics as a young man but haven't done anything in years.


Yeah, though that guy took pure scopolamine. But Datura is also known to produce wicked dark trips. I think it's definitely not for everyone and should be approached very carefully, if at all. Small doses are great though!

Would like to try salvia if I ever get my hands on any

Salvia was still legal when I first tried it. I'm not sure if it's federally illegal now, or just state by state. I remember the first time, after I was "back," I thought, "Whoa, this stuff is insane to take!"

I read up on salvia yesterday and the site that I was reading said that salvia is a dissociative psychedelic, so I suspect it has some of the delirium aspects that you wrote about, because I lost all awareness of who I am. It's like I had been detached from life and the little people kept telling me that I had really done it this time, and I was totally screwed.

I don't think smaller amounts of salvia works the way the smaller amounts of datura do. When I smoked a smaller amount of salvia, I couldn't distinguish any change in myself, but when I hit minimal dose I was off, and it was quick to come on also!

I think it's good to have someone with you if you try it. The second time I did it, my GF was with me, and it was a little less difficult for me on the return.

This link takes you to a page where those who have experienced salvia tell of their experiences; they're pretty interesting. I've seen artwork made by trippers, somewhere also. I thought it was the same place but maybe not.

Cool, I've heard all type of experiences with salvia and usually they involve a huge shift in the perception of time. There was even this guy who claimed to have lived 70 years of his life during the trip. Thanks for sharing your experience, I feel it is the most accurate way to talk about psychedelics, as each experience is different and very subjective.

70 years of his life in one salvia trip... well, odd as it may seem, he's probably making an honest description of his experience the best that he can describe it.

They're definitely the weirdest, scariest trips I've had. TBH, I'd trade a ton of salivia for one windowpane! :)

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