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RE: Vitamin Sea - Taking It Home!

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago

For me, the most powerful connections I experience by the ocean are cosmic. Both years I was in Acapulco, Mexico I got on my knees in the sand and prayed to the stars, crying my eyes out. Doing that this year supremely connected me with Gaia, and that connection has since been enhanced. Still, I feel a tremendous piece of myself is separated from me, and I can only keep praying that one day this weight will be lifted from my chest, and replaced with a true sense of completion. Vitamin Sea is indeed a powerful medicine, one which I will never take for granite. The beach and ocean will always be a part of my essence, and I am forever grateful to have it with me. I rise up each day to do good in the world despite how I may be feeling - that is the best I can give, and I hope it is enough for this world. Blessings sister.


It's true that our cosmic connection is awakened by the ocean and the resonnance is there always. Appreciating your comment 😉 and the thoughtful contribution you're making. I think the awareness that you are whole & complete comes when you simply forgive yourself and embrace the duality of being a flawed human AND a cosmic Being.

Posted using Partiko Android

Those are very wise words. Earlier today I was told that true happiness must come from within, but when your soul is built for something specific, and your spirit is denied that purpose, it is a pain you carry with you until you can correct it somehow. When you cannot see a light on how that will happen, or remain in doubt that it will, it creates an emotionally painful existence, no matter how good you get at masking it, the feeling remains. Life is not always sunshine and rainbows, but I m grateful for the rain even when I get wet... I just hate feeling like I always have wet socks on but cannot tell anyone about it because they won't understand why they are wet. At least when you are in the ocean, wet socks are not a worry. I suppose the answer is to have faith, and play in the rain until the sunshine returns..

What if your purpose was simply to sit with -and flourish despite - to literally embody - the existential pain of being both mortal-physical AND cosmic? And everything else was a detail, including how you felt about that?

Posted using Partiko Android

That is the approach I have always taken, and it has served me well, but it has never allowed this feeling to dissipate. I suppose it cannot on its own, and could never be considered just a detail. Some connections are just too important to a person's soul to let go of, eternal bonding of spirits.

Despite how I feel, I rise up and grab life by the horns, and I suppose that is all one can do. It would be nice to feel completely myself again one day. I have only truly experienced that for a very short time in my life so far. I will continue praying for that to return to me. Thank you so much for your kind words and advise. I hope your days are full of blessings and abundance.

Also reminded today that every rough storm ends, and brings beautiful sunshine and a fresh feeling.

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