Legal Death - In Drugs We Trust - A Documentary Coming Soon to Netflix



Hey everyone! I wanted to give you a heads up and bring this to your attention...

Legal Death - In Drugs We Trust

is a documentary about how lives are being destroyed by Pharmaceutical Drugs from multiple drug classes. The ones focused on in this documentary are:

Opioid Painkillers, Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Stimulants, Benzodiazepines, Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics, and Statins

The third leading cause of death in America is from legally prescribed drugs. Does that bother you? It should.




The producers of this documentary film, Tim and Karen Alexander, are friends of our family. We had the privilege of investing in this film in full support of their work. These underlying issues need to be brought to light and out in front for everyone to see and be informed.

This husband and wife team have worked hard and traveled far and wide throughout the U.S. and Canada to make this film possible in order to bring awareness. They have interviewed nearly 200 people, both experts and victims, that share their stories and experiences with these pharmaceutical meds.



This film explores why so many are dying, killing, experiencing unbelievable pain and dealing with broken relationships after taking prescribed medications. Did you know today, it is estimated that one in four U.S. adults are on antidepressants? One in eight are on a psychoactive drug? More than 160 die daily from opioids? Over 355,000 people a year are dying in the US alone from these prescribed drugs, that’s a huge problem that shouldn’t be so.

The film points out, children, the elderly in nursing homes and members of the military are among the biggest victims of the Pharma con to medicate the most vulnerable with SSRIs, opioids, and atypical antipsychotics (like the best selling Abilify) at taxpayer expense.


So what motivated Tim and his wife to take on such a task? Why are they so passionate and motivated to bring awareness?...



This is Karen Smith, a schoolteacher and mother of four, and her husband Cedric Anderson. Karen was Tim’s cousin who was murdered by her husband two months after they married. While under the influence of psychoactive drugs, he walks into her classroom and murders her along with an 8-year old student. He then takes his own life in front of a classroom full of horrified students. Cedric was also the minister that married Tim and Karen.



Tim and Karen had been speaking with both of them until just two days before the killings. They had a lot of insight into how the drugs were affecting Cedric and noticed his personality totally change once he started taking them.

You can now understand why this project is so crucial and important to them. They do not want to see any more families suffer a tragedy such as this. Here is their mission taken directly from the site...

The Mission: Allowing common people a chance to share their truth in order to help family & friends understand what they are going through, and to warn and protect others from the pains that can be suffered from often unnecessary and often over prescribed RX Drugs.

Here is a disclaimer from their site...

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Nothing contained here is to be taken or used as medical advice, and we fully understand that all medications and mental health practices have their place, this information just serves as a warning that is consistent with FDA black box warnings, manufacturer warnings and scientific research about the potential side effects of many drug classes that a user could experience as told by people who have directly experienced the described adverse reactions. Always take the advice of your medical professional, but advise them if you are feeling a negative reaction to any prescribed meds.


As stated above, mental health practices and medications have their place. The problem starts when people are prescribed strong unnecessary drugs for common ailments which could possibly be taken care of with a more natural approach. It seems the first solution doctors reach out to give are these strong medications, even for the most minute issues. We are being over prescribed and most people don’t understand the side effects they may face while on these medications. We trust everything our doctors tell us or gives us instead of asking questions and researching more about what’s been prescribed to us. We trust way too much instead of digging deeper. The very same medications that are supposed to help us are killing us.

I’ll leave you with the trailer of Legal Death - In Drugs We Trust...coming soon this month to Netflix on a TV near you! You’ll definitely want to see this!

Please share this information so others can be informed, thank you.


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Logo/Banner created by @rigaronib!


Oh wow! Interesting that Netflix picked it up, but I guess they like documentaries. If I still had a subscription to them, I would definitely check it out... Glad you are able to get the word out about this and support them as they are telling the truth.

Yes documentaries do pretty well on Netflix.

Thank you. This info definitely needs to be shared.

Capitalistic Pharmaceuticals don't create cures they create customers.

THANKYOU for letting us know!! I was horrified of seeing the rate of prescription drug use in America. How sad that it affected him so, what a tragic story! I will definitely look out for it.

Absolutely! It a very sad and I hope this helps to awaken!

This is such an important documentary, the statistics are shocking and yet not all that surprising, child are getting prescribed medication younger and younger these days. There really needs to be more awareness about it, I am so happy to hear that your friends have created this, but also sad at the circumstances of why they did. Thanks so much for sharing this, I will be on the look out for it xx

Yes the statistics are very shocking. Hopefully these sad circumstances help other families. Thanks for reading ~

Such an interesting read and I will for sure watch that when it comes out I am on a few meds but its the statins that concern me at the moment as for one I dont thinkI really need to be onthem and secondly I am fairly tyhe side effects from them achy muscles and joints and now my AIC has climbed up, I see the Dr tomorrow and hope to comeoff them

I really think you would get some helpful insight if you watch it. I hope you’re able to get off those too.

Ohh I will watch it for sure, I haven’t quite got off te statins yet but cut them in half and will work on getting off them completely in the coming weeks

Cutting them in half is great!!! That’s a big step! 👍🏽

Yes indeed still wish I wasn’t on them

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