Natural Medicine - Day 226 - Haiku - On the Freedom to Choose What is Right for US - Regardless of what "they" say

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)

IMG_1299 The makings of Magic Elixir.jpg

Natural healing
yet one more thing Big Pharma
seeks to take from us.

Not to mention Big Government, Big Medicine, Big Chemical, and all their many lackeys, including our complicit corporate media, which serves no one but their masters.

And their masters are NOT We the People.

So what is the primary thing that Big Pharma and the rest seek to take from us?

They seek to separate us from our money. As much of it as humanly possible. And they are perfectly fine with lying to us in order to see their goals succeed. They've excelled at that for decades.

I am personally fed up with being told what I may and may not do with naturally occurring native plants, herbs and mushrooms, regardless of their proven value, my personal beliefs, or the needs of my body, which is frankly illogical and immoral.

The profit-driven theft of cannabis away from just plain folks was a huge indication of the problems to come.

Cannabis, called hemp by rank and file folk, was not only never a problem, but was such a worthwhile and valuable crop that not only did George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Benjamin Franklin all grow it themselves, but they considered it mandatory for all true patriots to grow, as it was such a hugely beneficial crop in so many ways.

But ridiculously wealthy owners of huge swaths of forested lands, magnates of the cotton industry, and those investing in the fledgling pharmaceutical industry, knew that their profits were limited as long as cannabis was legal and widely grown and available.

So they sought to demonize it, changed it's name and made it illegal to grow in a highly irregular process, drawn up in back rooms with zero public input or knowledge, and by the time most people found out about it, it was a fait accompli.

Once people realized what they had done, there was a public outcry, and a large number of medical doctors sought to have the law overturned, or at least to exempt it for medical purposes, but to no avail.

Prior to cannabis being made illegal in 1937 there were literally dozens, if not hundreds, of legitimate prescription medications based on cannabis as a primary ingredient - which were suddenly and inexplicably no longer available to their patients, under the guise of it having "no medical uses": an egregious, outrageous and outright lie.

And it hasn't gotten any better. In the past fifty or so years, one natural supplement after another, upon gaining popularity with the general public, has been yanked from the market on the grounds of "public safety."

One of the most egregious examples was tryptophan, which is present in abundance in turkey, as just one example, and was used by many people to help them relax and sleep soundly. And it works, which is one reason why a turkey dinner often makes us sleepy afterward - the tryptophan is doing its job.

But it was also cutting into the profits of pharmaceutical companies selling toxic, and in some cases deadly, prescription drugs for sleep.

God forbid We the People should retain access to a natural substance that never killed anyone, that was equally or more effective than the toxic prescriptions, with zero side effects.

Nope - it was demonized, and ripped from the markets. As more and more people were harmed or killed by sleep meds.

I could go on, but there is little point.

We all know how dangerous prescription medications can be - they tell us so in nearly every drug commercial, as they rattle off the long (and growing) list of potentially debilitating and/or deadly side-effects of each new drug they offer up.

Meanwhile, raw organic honey, apple cider vinegar and raw garlic can be quickly and easily combined to create a simple but effective remedy that is far more effective against the flu and other viral infections than any flu vaccine yet devised.

Cold pressed castor oil is at least as effective, if not more so, at growing new hair than are prescription drugs for the same purpose, and it has the added benefit of improving the health of your hair and scalp at the same time. It is also amazing for your skin, and has been a part of the beauty routine for much of Hollywood for a hundred years or more.

It has numerous additional uses as well - a drop of cold pressed castor oil in each eye, before bed, can over time not only resolve eye irritation, but can also often improve eyesight, sometimes drastically.

Ever heard that from your optometrist? Nope - neither have I.

The bottom line is that Mother Nature trumps allopathic medicine the vast majority of the time, but this knowledge is in danger of disappearing, which is why what we are doing here is so vitally important.

We must share this knowledge, and see to it that it is passed along to youngsters growing up, to give them even a fighting chance of surviving the increasingly toxic world they are destined to inherit from us.

We must teach them how to grow their own food, how to recognize and use common medicinal plants, how to prepare and preserve foods for future use and more.

This was knowledge our grandparents and their grandparents took for granted. We no longer have that luxury.

It is up to us to see to it that our grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren have the knowledge - and the non-GMO open-pollinated seeds - to survive and thrive for generations yet to come.

This post was originally intended to be part of Freedom Friday, but alas, I didn't get it finished quickly enough. C'est la vie.

This post, and all those from now until the end of 2018, I am dedicating to the work of #tarc and #yah, aka @rhondak's nonprofit dog rescue and @sircork's charity @youarehope.

Half the liquid proceeds earned from my posts will be evenly split between the two organizations, and more when I can manage it.

The photo above was taken by me earlier this year with my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 smartphone.

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The Writers Block.gif

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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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Thank you for your passion in this post, it's so much needed!! This is a huge reason why we are going off grid and learning how to grow our own foods and medicines. I'm tired of overreaching govt agencies making choices that have nothing to do with voting at all, as an example, the FDA has been trying to schedule Kratom (used as a natural pain reliever and energizing stimulant, and is well known for its ability to help people get off highly addictive and frequently deadly rx pain meds like oxycodone, and other drugs like heroin). They've been on the warpath for scheduling it for years and people keep voting and lobbying to keep it available. The FDA now is just stopping shipments at the border, exercising their overreaching power with no Input from voters, the people, whatsoever. It's just wrong. People should never have this kind of control over other people, but the American public often just accepts it for what it is and continues to trust that the government is looking out for our best interest. I humbly disagree, as their main priorities are self interest to continue pushing their own agendas.
It's hard to not get cynical. Instead of getting angry, most of the time I pour the passion and anger into learning how to garden and compost and preserve and prepare foods and medicines. But yah... It wouldn't be so bad to share a little of the passion you have put out here to those who still think they are healthy and safe being "taken care of".


I just commented on @indigoocean's post to that effect, that even though I know that the world is illusion, and that I am in a sense creating everything I see, it is sometimes a really persistent illusion, and there are days that find me despairing.

But it never lasts for long. I know that much of what we are currently seeing in the world is merely the darkness coming into the light to be healed.

Everything is happening as it should be.

And I know I must trust that, at the same time that I put as much good into the world as I can, and sharing the knowledge I've gained in my life us a big part of that.

As for kratom, and any other herbs on their plate, the FDA's charter needs to be revoked, once and for all, as they have provably violated that charter for decades, and have been actively aiding those who would harm and/or kill us all for profit.

And the USDA is right there with them. Between the graft and corruption in just these two organizations, our food supply is not only no longer safe, but is damned near unrecognizable from what it was a mere fifty years ago.

And those who individuals in these organizations, who pushed through unsafe products for companies that they promptly took jobs with, should be summarily prosecuted. Post haste.

NO governmental agency should have ____ANY___ say over ANY naturally occurring plant, mushroom or anything else.

Mother Nature's kitchen is sacrosanct. End of story.

Posted using Partiko Android

I know that much of what we are currently seeing in the world is merely the darkness coming into the light to be healed.

I feel this a lot, thanks for putting it so nicely.

I wanted to applaud when I read your reply, it was so spot on, but alas I was at work. Grateful for your presence here!

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