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RE: Healing My Children Naturally- Living Naturally Series

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)

I so agree. When our kitten developed a respiratory illness, when we first took her in, our vet was all set to give her an antibiotic. I talked him out of it, explaining that it would undo all my efforts to build her immune system, by building up her gut microflora. He wadn't happy, and was pretty flippant as he exited the room.

He actually came back in and apologized though, commenting that if I was using really good probiotics such as kefir, that it might really help. I assured him that homemade kefir was exactly what I was adding to her food.

A little research later, I discovered that the single best natural remedy for respiratory infections in a cat, which would likely work for humans as well, is common plantain, either broadleaf or narrow, minced finely and added to their food. It works even better if it is fermented first.

We have abundance of plantain on our place, though last night's hard freeze might have done it in for the season, but we still have tinctures and infusions to last until spring.

Obviously your photo of plantain inspired me. The earth and her bounty are beyond awesome. ;-)

I wanted to upvote you, but somehow @steemauto drained my voting power to 52%, so clearly I have to adjust something somewhere!

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Plantain is amazing and as you probably recognized it is the 1st picture I have shared. It grows in abundance here too and something I have used. I didnot know it worked well for cats also that is great to know, thank you for that. It is quiet scary how quickly vets and doctors a like prescribe antibiotics. It seems to be given for everything these days just in case. xx

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