in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)

Goldenseal - A Must Have In the Herbal Tool Box

I stumbled across this impressive patch of Goldenseal a couple weeks ago. So I thought it might be a great time to discuss some herbal remedies and how I learned a little about them. I am by no means an expert, but I can identify and prepare quite a few home remedies. I learned most of what I know about herbs from my grandpaw, he was a rather interesting character. He only had a 3rd grade education but he was one of the wisest men that I have had the pleasure of knowing. He could read a little bit but, I only remember him reading two books, other than the children’s books he read to us on the occasion. Those two books were the Bible and Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss. He didn’t spend a lot of time in the Back To Eden book but it was his go to if he didn’t know how to treat something.    

I spent a good bit of time with him growing up and one of my favorite things to do was to help him work with and find herbs. He was 71 when I was born, but he was still going fishing and ginseng hunting when he was 94, which is impressive in these mountains. It seemed he was always teaching and passing on knowledge especially around the subjects of God, life, gardening, and herbs. I don’t think I realized it at the time, I was just enjoying the work and learning. Man, I do miss him.    

Grandpaw’s Cure All….   

One of his favorite herbs was Goldenseal.  He always had roots and leaves dried and stored in jars ready to go whenever it was needed. He would keep some as hole roots and the rest was already ground up. He also kept a concoction or tincture if you prefer, of Goldenseal and 180-grain alcohol as a topical treatment that we used a lot. Sometimes, I wasn’t really sure it mattered what we had wrong. We would come in with scraps, cuts, bruises, rashes or poison ivy and he would just dab some of the Goldenseal mixture on it. It usually resulted in a lot of jumping up and down, waving and blowing, because that stuff burned.  Then if we ever had an upset stomach we could expect a nice cup of warm Goldenseal and Ginseng tea, and we might get just a little honey in it.    

Goldenseal the plant.  

Now that I’ve wandered down memory lane for a bit, we should probably get to a little information about Goldenseal, what it’s used for, and some basics on how to prepare it.  

Goldenseal’s technical name is Hydrastis Canadensis, which basically means nothing unless you are a botanist. Most people just call it Goldenseal or in some locations orange root and yellow puccoon, and about 12 other less common names according to several herbal books I possess.  It can be found in a large portion of the eastern United States and Southeastern Canada. The plant typically consists of a slightly purplish stem with two leaves, one leaf typically forms first and will generally be larger. Then a second smaller leaf typically just a little higher than the first, and a small white flower will form above it on the main stem.  The flower will produce a small red clustered berry that can typically be seen from mid-July to early August.  

The Choice Part

The Goldenseal root is generally the more prized portion of the plant. The root grows in a rhizome style with ½ inch thick body and a large amount of small hair-like roots. The root will vary in length (1”-6”) depending on the age of the plant and growing conditions. The main root does not typically grow very deep and older roots may actually have multiple stems from a single root.     

Does It Really Cure Everything?   

Well, that depends on who you ask. In the books pictured I stopped counting at 60 different things that Goldenseal has been used to treat. Most of the books had 3 to 6 pages dedicated to the uses of Goldenseal. On those pages, I found treatments for everything from drug addiction therapy(system cleansing), to rashes, to menstrual issues, and even treating cancer.  Now bear in mind that most of these have not been studied by the established medical community.  

Before we dive into some of the remedies, let’s look at two questions that all those remedies brought up…. How and why does it work? 

Answering those questions could get quite extensive because there are a lot of theories out about why it works, but the fact is that no one knows for sure. The most prominent thought attributes the effectiveness to the roots high levels of berberine and hydrastine.  Which have a wide variety of uses in fighting infections and muscle spasms. Quite honestly, the how and why questions lead me down a deep and entirely different rabbit hole, with way too much information to post to a blog. It would be more of a research book or books.    

Now what do you do with this stuff?  

I don’t have the time or space in a single post to entertain all of the Goldenseal remedies I have found, but I will touch on a few that I’ve had personal experience with. I actually started to call this section, “You want me to put that where?” but fortunately, I have not had experience with some of the more “interesting” uses such as enemas or female issues.  

Three that I have had experience with are Intestinal issues, rashes, and conjunctivitis.  I’m going to go through these rather briefly and the good part is they are all simple.  

  • All three treatments use a tea made from powdered Goldenseal root. Simply place the powdered root into a pot of boiling water. I generally boil the water remove it from the heat and stir the powered Goldenseal in, then let it steep for 5-10 minutes.  
  • Conjunctivitis (that’s pink eye for most of us), using a clean washcloth soaked in the hot tea simply hold it over the affected eye. The warm tea will also help to reduce any pain, stimulate blood flow, and loosen any dried or white matter from the eye.  
  • Intestinal Issues (upset stomach) When making the tea adding Ginseng as well seems to increase effectiveness. After the tea has steeped 5-10 minutes, pour the tea through a strainer or multiple layers of cheesecloth. A coffee filter can also be used, but this can be slow and messy as they are extremely fine filters. Once the solids have been filtered out, drink around a cup of the tea. A bit of honey can be added to the tea to cut the bitterness, at least until you acquire a taste for the tea.  (My dad uses this for indigestion)  
  • Rashes and skin lesions, (something itchy or bleeding) After the tea has cooled, strain solid material from the liquid. Mix 1 to 1 with a 180-proof alcohol. The alcohol helps to preserve the mixture, and aids in fighting infections. To use, wash the affected area thoroughly, and apply a generous amount. WARNING, this will turn your skin yellow and will stain clothing.  

I think this post has gone on long enough. 

I wanted to get a little deeper into conservation status and propagation, perhaps I will get to that in another post. A quick note on that subject, Wild Goldenseal is listed as Endangered, which means in many places it is illegal to remove it from public land.  (I'm on private property with the permission of the owner)

Thank you for checking it out, and Please, Please, Please leave comments and suggestions or additional information. I would love to hear about anyone else’s experiences with this wonderful plant.     

DISCLAIMER: No information in this post should be construed as medical advice, and all claims to fitness for the purpose of human consumption or in the treatment of medical conditions have not been tested or proven by qualified scientific or medical personnel. Never consume wild plants unless you possess the proper training and knowledge of the field of botany to do so safely. (This means if you do something stupid because of the information in this post it’s not my fault)  

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I just need to add a proof pic.... 

So you would know I really took all these out of focus pictures....  


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howdy sir coinsandchains! wow your Grandfather was awesome! what a great way to learn about plants, gardening and God! what a blessing!

Yes he was. I think that's one of the reasons I've always felt like I was born in the wrong time period. I spent most of my time with older people. That family was a little out of sync with the typical generations. My Grandpaw was the youngest of 14, born when his dad was 47, my dad was the youngest of 6 born when grandpaw was 46. I broke that cycle being the oldest and born when dad was 23. It's odd for someone my age to say their Great Great Grandfather was born before the civil war, or that their grandpaw was 24 when the great depression started.

hey coinsandchains! that is simply amazing to think about isn't it? does that mean you're getting old? you have remarkable legacy sir, with great witnesses above cheering you on!

WOW, We are close to the same on Late blooming ancestors have a great great that was a drummer boy with Sherman in the (UN) civil war! My Dad was in his 40s when I was born, and close to 50 when my younger brother was born. I was 24 when My Son was born, LOL!

You were lucky on the grandparents! Mine were too far away, and I only met them a few times. I know my Mothers Dad made a cream from Dandylion root, I would LOVE to know how to make!

Enjoyed this post! :)

LOL, I actually stuck too many great's in there my Great Grandpaw was born in 1858.
I had one set of grandparents here, The other set lived a bit southeast of @janton in Mineral Wells TX. I didn't get to see them but a few times a year. I would usually end up in Texas for a month sometimes 2 every summer.
But every Sunday for a really long time I was at my grandpaws house, then a lot on Satudays and in the summer if I wasn't in Texas.

I did too, didn't look right. I have a postcard from my Great Grandmother to my Grandfather scolding him to get married because he was going on 33 (early 1908) and she wanted Grand kids!
I am the only Black sheep, My Son is 38 and single!

Quite an enjoyable post my friend; my other half and I, always talk about "home remedies" and what not. Usually because we don't have the finances to buy expensive big pharma, and like many I know, don't have insurance. But it always goes back to...there wasn't any Advil, or Nyquil...all these 'popular' big pharma concoctions (yes, I said big pharma twice)...

This hits home even harder for me, as I suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, and HATE all the things I have to take (and usually don't work).. I use things like peppermint oil and spearmint oil...sometimes lavender oil; this "sometimes" takes the edge off the terrible pain caused by my lesions. How cool to know how to find these God given medicines, and know the process to make them most beneficial.

Look forward to seeing more posts, about your pawpaw, and the loving and wonderful things he taught you. Upvoted and resteemed as well my friend.

Love and light...



Thanks for the restream and the kind words. I can't even imagine dealing with MS my wife's Sjogren's and fibromyalgia is bad enough just to watch. Her medications don't typically work and if they do it usually has side effects. Thankfully we have it under control and her off the Bid Pharma meds at the moment.
Speaking of side effects, I would not recommend you taking goldenseal (or St Johns Wort) internally, as it has some enzyme/beta blocking characteristics and would probably make your medications even less effective. You might try it as a topical especially mixed with Plantain as it has a slight numbing effect. I would leave out the alcohol and apply it as a poultice. (plantain grows just about everywhere) Again, I'm not a doctor, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.
You might also check in with some folks on the #GHSC discord there are several people who know way more about this stuff than I do.

Have a great day and be blessed.

I certainly appreciate the feedback my friend. Of course, I only take your help as good advice, not something I'd come back and be upset about. I've been on so many medications, and currently experiencing a multitude of new lesions...praying for medical cannabis in my state soon...

Sorry, I deal with doctors, lawyers and business people all day every day. It has just become second nature. My wife's cousin is on a cannabis vape, and uses it a lot. Her's is RA and several surgeries.

I have some goldenseal tincture that I received as a gift last year but haven't opened the bottle yet.. but after reading your post and, now being curious about all the possibly ailments it can treat, I will have to see about using soon one day.

It is good for a lot of things, you should read about some of its, system cleansing uses. You would probably get a kick out of some of them.

Great post! I have two of the books you have in your photo (one for sure now the other not sure if I still have it. I met a guy years ago proficient in plants as healing aids. And used to pick burdock root with him in Michigan. So much around us that grows naturally is helpful/useful to our ailments and greatly lost on the population at large.

I enjoyed your post thanks for the info!

Thanks for the kind words, my friend. I've heard of Burdock, but never tried it. I don't see a lot of it around here, from what I know if it, it is a multi-purpose plant as well. One that always gets me is Plantain, it grows everywhere around here and people just spray it and mow it down. Everyone considers it a weed, and have no idea of its many uses or that it's edible.

Burdock grows plentiful in fields in both CT and MI I am sure other places too, but this is where I know it. For years I used be annoyed at the plant because little spurs would cling to you. I was truly surprised to see the root was similar to a carrot, though much smaller and not orange of course. I don't remember why I took it at the time but I remember him making a tea from it.

PLANTAINS!!! This blows my mind. I had a friend from Puerto Rico that told me a healer /shaman he knew there told him that any illness you have the earth provides the cure within walking distance of where you live ( I just assume he meant if you lived in the country). But he pointed out plantains to me and I too always thought of them as weeds. It's a shame how much we have destroyed in the quest for the manicured lawn ...

There are many plants that have similar properties. More recent super bugs are building resistance to ethanol.

My friend makes an awesome boo boo cream. (Coconut oil, olive oil, tea tree, bees wax, calendula, lavender) healing is done by the body when it receives what it needs.


One of the more recent uses for uses for goldenseal is to aid in fighting MRSA. I suppose though its immune system boosting properties and one of the compounds in it acts as an enzyme inhibitor or blocker that is thought to break the reproductive phase.

Because bacteria reproduce through cell division I theorize that cell wall weakening is a common atribute in antibacterials.

I base most of my theory on how coloidal silver penetrates the cell wall. Plant cell walls are thicker and stronger. I believer therein is their achelies heal. Sorry for spelling. Not much spell check here on steemit. I look forward to future plant based information from you.

Have you heard of #moringaoleifera? Moringa Oleifera i believe is the most powerful #superfood. I am looking for someone to prove Dr. Monica Marcu wrong. She wrote a book called Miracle Tree.

#dashy #dash #plantbasedmedicine #infowars

Good theory, and it is possible.
I really haven't heard of Moringa Oleifera, I will have to check it out. Adding it to my always growing list of things to pack away in the memory banks.

BTW I use a web based app called Grammerly (I use the free version), it sometimes does some strange stuff on steemit but works pretty well, and it syncs across all my devices and programs. I do a lot of technical writing and it helps to have my custom dictionary in all the windows products, and chrome extension handles most of web text boxes. You can even do a pop out screen for small boxes like the steemit comments.
It also helps to track productivity.

This is a perfect post for Natural Medicine. We have given you our tiny up vote and hope it encourages you to keep posting more informative and interesting posts like this one. It's amazing how plants can remind us of our grandparents. Parsley and caraway seeds always reminds me of my nana. We are resteeming this post for you I would love to see you join the Discord channel and use our natural medicine banner on posts like this. We will also put you in next week's curation Post which comes out on Monday. Much love.


Thank you for the Invitation, upvote, restreem, and curation, it is much appreciated. I tend to be more of a technical writer, and stuff like this just feels more natural in a story form. So it's difficult for me to write like this, but it should get easier.
I will definately check out your discord.

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