Did you know that God gave humanity herbs to serve them? Will Cayenne Pepper be better than aspirin at dilating the blood vessels? It will also constrict if it sees a bleed? Is this True Power?

in #naturalhealing10 months ago (edited)

Below you will find natural healing methods proven to help many people.

Castor Oil wrap how to make one and uses

There are wraps on the market which can be purchased, but
if you would rather make one, you can take
1 incontinence pad and cut it open,
put a few layers of cloth inside [old sheet pieces or other cloth cut to same size]

Put masking tape on edge to seal and keep it closed.
To secure tape you can stitch it or to be quicker staple the corners where the tape comes together.

This way only the cloth will be against you and the plastic will be on the back to protect your clothing.

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Pour castor oil onto cloth side about 1/3 of the middle in oval shape.
As castor oil is so thick it will take about 15 minutes to soak in before you can move the pack around and place it.

No need to cover the entire pad as it needs space for the excess oil to go as it will continue to soak.

When the pack is placed on the body, since the body temperature is much warmer than the oil, it will thin and spread out a bit, so not filling the entire way gives room for spreading.

It can be used for up to a month as the castor oil isn't drawing anything out of the body, but rather
is just a vehicle to hold the oil so that it can go into the body.

Where this pack can be used,

  • On the chest
  • On the abdomen
    cysts on the ovaries
    fibroids on the uterus
    Irritable bowels syndrome known as IBS

How long should one do this?
It depends on how big it is and how long it has been there.
Consistency is the key!

Many are so used to taking a pill as a quick fix, which sadly is really only a band aid and the negative fall out of taking pills that are synthetic from pharmakiea is their host of side effects creating new issues and damage.
This is why patience is a Virtue, the natural may at times take longer, but has been proven throughout time to be far more effective without the host of side effects.

You can make smaller ones for other areas of the body.

Some have also used castor oil packs as remedies for dry skin, arthritis, or period cramps. These are pieces of fabric, usually cotton or wool, soaked in castor oil. You apply them to your skin, with or without a heating pad. You can make your own or buy them.

I recently recommended this to someone in my family who was hospitalized for a known blockage in their intestine.

Its ricinoleic acid attaches to a receptor in your intestines. This causes the muscles to contract, pushing poop through your colon.

When I suggested this to the caretaker, and she asked the doctor about it, he did recognize the benefits.

Anti-inflammatory effects

Research in animals shows that ricinoleic acid may help fight swelling and pain caused by inflammation when applied to your skin.
You can make a smaller castor oil pack to wrap around legs, knees, arms or ankles.

Some have relieved enough benefits to where these cloth wraps can be purchased on Amazon or other outlets or you can make your own.

Medical sights now recognize,

Castor oil has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that may help speed wound healing, especially when it's combined with other ingredients. Venelex, which contains castor oil and balsam Peru, is an ointment used to treat skin and pressure wounds.

The oil may help to prevent infection by keeping the wounds moist, while the ricinoleic acid reduces inflammation.

Hair and Skin
Some have reported it has helped them in their skin care and with their lashes and hair growth.

Some medical sights state

Castor Oil Side Effects
While castor beans contain a poison called ricin, this toxin is removed during processing of castor oil. But there are some health risks linked its use:

Allergic reaction

If you're allergic to the castor plant, you could have itching, swelling, or rashes if you apply the oil to your skin. Test a small spot before you use it.

Gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort

Castor oil can help relieve constipation. But it can cause nausea, abdominal cramping, vomiting, bloating, and dizziness if you take too much. Always talk to your doctor before you use it.

Balance is Always the Key!

From Purely Rooted Nutrition

Castor oil packs have been used as a natural remedy to promote healing, improve circulation and reduce inflammation for thousands of years. In fact, the use of applying castor oil to the body topically can be traced back to medical textbooks in Egypt as early as 1550 B.C.

Castor oil (Ricinus communis) comes from the castor seed which is native to India. It is extremely high in the fatty acid ricinoleic acid (about 90% of the oil), which is thought to be responsible for its health-promoting abilities.

Castor oil works by stimulating your lymph and liver function by increasing your lymphocyte count, which then allows the body to speed up the process of removing toxins from your tissues. Lymphatic congestion is a key factor in inflammation and disease.


Onion as a compress and cough syrup

WHOA right?

He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, And herb for the service of man: That he may bring forth food out of the earth; And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, And oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart.

Finally, if it is suspected someone is having a heart attack, Cayenne Pepper is known to thin the blood and open up the capillaries.

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A teaspoon straight in the mouth, give them a little water right after.
Validated stories where someone had a weak pulse, heart attack suspected due to a history of them and within two minutes after given Cayenne Pepper, pulse becomes strong.

All blood comes back visibly into face and skin areas.

Types of blood vessels | Artery, capillary & vein | Easy learning video

  • Arteries take blood away from the heart and supply blood to the rest of the body
    They transport blood from the heart to the lungs to be oxygenated.
    The largest artery is the aorta which helps transport oxygenated blood to the body.
    No valves
    Situated very deep within the skin
    Thick walls to help with stand high pressure of blood pumped.
    Arteries branch into smaller vessels known as arterials.

Arterials connect to capillaries
their function is to transport blood to the capillary beds.
Arterials are smaller than arteries and bigger than capillaries.

Exchange Center
Tiny blood vessels that allow oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and water
to move in and out of the blood stream.

Capillaries are located between arteries and veins.
They allow exchange of materials between the blood and surrounding cells.
Capillaries receive oxygen and nutrients
and release waste products to be sent away.

Capillaries are found around the body.
They are found in the liver and kidney.

Capillaries are one cell thick.
The thin walls aid in diffusion of nutrients and waste.

There are no valves.
Capillaries connect to arteries and veins.

Carry blood to the heart.
They carry deoxygenated blood, carbon dioxide and other waste from the body back to the heart.

Consider the pulmonary vein and the vena cava.

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Vena cava drains the blood into the right atrium while pulmonary veins drain the blood into the left atrium.

Veins have thin walls and wide lumen.
Blood flowing through is at low pressure
this means the blood requires some help to ensure the blood does not flow backwards.
This is why there are valves.
This ensures that the slow moving blood only flows in one direction.

Veins are located superficially on the skin.
They branch into smaller vessels known as venules.
Venules connect to capillaries
their function is to transport blood away from the capillary beds.

Venules are smaller than veins and bigger than capillaries.

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Artery transports blood away from the heart to the surrounding body.
An example of an artery is the aorta of the heart.
The artery flows into the smaller branch called the arteriole.
Then the blood flows into the capillary bed.
This is where the exchange occurs between the blood and the cells.
The capillaries identify useful products and waste products.
This is so that nutrients and oxygen from the blood are delivered to surrounding tissue.

The blood left will now contain carbon dioxide and waste products.
This blood is transported to the vein to it's small branch called the venule.
An example of a vein in the Vena Cava.
The Vena Cava transports deoxygenated blood to the heart.

Cayenne Pepper is known to thin the blood
open the capillaries
to allow a dramatic delivery of blood throughout the whole body.

It takes 1 minute for one drop of blood to go around your whole body!

Cayenne Pepper can also be used to boost hydrochloric acid.

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Cayenne Pepper can also ease a sore throat.
Tingles at first when placed in a tea or taken with water, but when the tingle settles down, it eases the sore throat.

Some are told to take aspirin as a blood thinner,
but what research is showing is that aspirin causes stomach bleeds

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Remember what I have been showing you for years about the chemical company Bayer and the pharmaceutical industry!

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If not familiar with one of my articles I wrote that pertained to many of the lessons, facebook posts and facebook frames where I showed evidence in pictorials with verified links Before they removed my entire facebook page. . .
What Pharmakeia is, what God said How IG Pharben and other Pharmacy co's used slave labor from the Holocaust. Hear Gates state, "We're taking things that are, GMO's and we're injecting them into little kid's arms, we just shoot 'em right into the vein."


As noted from a Medical Doctor,


It can prevent excessive blood clotting

Aspirin is said to be the no. 1 cause of stomach ulcers
Aspirin is said to cause brain bleeds
and Eye bleeds.

Check out the evidence from recent research. . .

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Cayenne Pepper does not cause these things as aspirin does, but
if cayenne pepper is in your blood and it sees a bleed, it will constrict the blood vessels to stop the bleeding,
as your body is made to heal itself and can do a much better job if given the correct nutrients and fuel
to be balanced and to assist in what the bio system was designed to do!

Yes, it dilates the blood vessels when it's in the blood, but if it sees a bleed, it will constrict that!
A beautiful illustration of what I pointed at earlier in the article,

Psalm 104
[14] He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth; [15] And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart.

God gave humanity herbs to serve them!
They are here to Serve Humanity, but humanity has to make use of them and choose God's ways over man's synthetic ways!

Cayenne Pepper will Thin and Seal!
Pretty remarkable right?

Cayenne Pepper can also be used externally for a variety of issues

  • poor circulation in the feet
  • cold feet
    some who allow their feet to be cold, eventually they grow numb.
    The next step after numb feet is ganggreen of the toes.
    This is because the blood is the life of the flesh, so
    any part of the body that is cold. . .blood is not going in there!
    If cold, blood is not feeding the area, not feeding the nerves!

Remember, you cannot put cold feet into hot water or you will damage the tissues.
Instead you can create a Cayenne Compress to put on the feet!

  • Take paper towel and cut to the size of the foot.
  • Put over a couple layers of cling wrap
  • Pour a little olive oil on top of doubled up paper towel
    not too much as you do not want to soil sheets, carpets or other textiles
    One way to do this carefully is to pour a little olive oil onto a plate or boil [just a thin layer]
    so you can take your hand or fingers to use to dab onto the paper towels all over.
    This gives a base layer for the Cayenne Pepper.
    The olive oil is really there for a base layer for the CP to stick to.
    Works well is olive oil is also great for the skin!
    This compress can be worn overnight.
    Use about a half a teaspoon for each compress or each foot.
    Just sprinkle onto the paper towel, olive oil with a salt dispenser or any dispenser you have on hand.

The foot goes straight onto that layer then you put a sock on.

Uttarabodhi Mudra
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Higher Enlightenment
Focused concentration on the moment for
Aware of what is around you outside of you
helps in
problem solving
decision making
dispels all fear and anxiety
Improves self confidence
speak fluently
speak without any barriers
By performing the above mudra in long duration,
it removes
fear, worries and stress from your life.

By performing the above mudra in long duration,
it removes
fear, worries and stress from your life

Hakini Mudra

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Completes the energy circuit for all of your energy systems being connected to one another.
energy circulate strongly within the body
Gives you complete control of your mind
All the actions physical, mental
The tips of the fingers consist of 3,000 magnoreceptors, which works as a highway for your brain.
It sends the various signals to your brain through the neurons.
By connecting these magnorecptors and neuron connections,
when you perform this mudra for a long time, your brain power increases
boosting memory
your brain energizes
it gives you clarity
it develops your creativity as well.

Dhyana Mudra
Meditation and Calming the mind mudra

Henry Breakspear

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#NaturalHealing, #Poultices, #CayennePepper, #CastorOil, #Onion, #OnionPoultice, #Garlic, #GarlicPoultice, #CastorOilWrap, #Herbs, #EssentialOils, #digestion, #bloodpressure, #cirulatorysystem













If not familiar with one of my articles I wrote that pertained to many of the lessons, facebook posts and facebook frames where I showed evidence in pictorials with verified links Before they removed my entire facebook page. . .
What Pharmakeia is, what God said How IG Pharben and other Pharmacy co's used slave labor from the Holocaust. Hear Gates state, "We're taking things that are, GMO's and we're injecting them into little kid's arms, we just shoot 'em right into the vein."


As noted from a Medical Doctor,


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