The biggest explosions in the history of the world

in #natural6 years ago

Tsar bomb

The most powerful bomb, detonated by man in the history of mankind was detonated on October 30, 1961 by the USSR in the archipelago of the new land.Its strength was 50 mega tonnes. The effects of the detonation could be felt even at a distance of 100km, where the shock wave destroyed the houses and people got scorch.

Eruption of the Krakatau volcano -1883

At noon on August 26, 1883, in the Sunda Strait, a massive eruption of the Krakatau volcano took place. A series of eruptions that accompany the eruption and throw tons of rock, dust and pumice into the air are considered to be the noisiest sound ever heard. The tsunamis and earthquakes caused by the eruption have probably killed 36 417 people.
He threw the whole island away to an altitude of 50km.
At a cumulative moment he had a force of 200MT(mega ton) .
The explosion sound was heard 4000km from the explosion site.

The eruption of the Tambora volcano on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa, which took place in 1815, is considered to be the most powerful volcanic eruption in the Holocaust (i. e. after the last glaciation). Before it took place, this volcano could measure even 4300 meters above sea level, which made Gunung Tambora the highest peak in Indonesia.
Its explosion amount to 16 tsarist bombs.Due to the amount of dust and gases discharged into the atmosphere, 1816 was a year without summer(Average temperature decreased by 3-4 degrees) .


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