Nuts over Soapnuts!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #natural7 years ago


It's been about a year since I discovered these little beauties and they have now become a staple component of my cleaning cupboard.
Alongside my trusty bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar, soapnuts have replaced many of the toxic cleaners I would religiously spread throughout my home. They are cheap, easy to use, hypoallergenic and fully biodegradable.

We now seem to live in a world obsessed with cleanliness and as such the market for new and exciting cleaning products has exploded. On the supermarket shelves there is a product for every possible purpose....anti-bacterial wipes & sprays, kitchen & bathroom sprays, mousses, get the idea.

But guess what? These things are all completely unnecessary, a waste of money and potentially dangerous.

I remember a time not so long ago when I would be struggling to breathe during a bathroom cleaning session. When the skin on my hands would flare up from an accidental spray of cleaner. When my eyes would water from the fumes of kitchen cleaner. When my son's skin would react badly because I tried a new fabric conditioner.

These products cannot be safe.
So I ditched them in favour of more natural alternatives. I feel so much better for making this change and knowing that I'm no longer harming my family or the environment. Also, my home is just as clean as it ever was!

What Are SoapNuts?

Soapnuts or soapberries grow on Sapindus mukorossi trees in the Himalayas. The shells of the fruit are dried and contain a naturally occurring soap, Saponin, which is released on contact with water.

How Do I Use Soapnuts?

I usually make up a liquid detergent from the soapnuts, roughly as directed on the instructions - about 12 full shells boiled for 10-15mins in 1.5l water. I allow this to cool, sometimes add a few drops of essential oil and store in the fridge until required. The same soapnuts can then be reboiled another 3 times.


What do I use the liquid for?

All laundry - just add about 250ml liquid to the machine in place of your normal detergent. If I have particularly soiled or smelly clothes I sometimes use either bicarb or soda crystals to pre-soak or add to the wash for a bit of a boost.

Bathroom cleaner - transfer the liquid to a spray bottle, spray on and scrub as with standard bathroom cleaner, then rinse. Finish with 50:50 white vinegar to water spray for a streak free shine.

Kitchen cleaner - as above.

These are my main uses for Soapnuts but I believe there are many more if you care to check out the link below.

I've heard of people using them for body wash, shampoo, natural pesticide...the list is endless!

How do you feel about your household cleaning products?
Have you every heard of Soapnuts?
Would you give them a try?


Hi Kate, what a great post. I learned something new: Soap nuts! I've actually never heard of them before.

I think for most people (not all) the convenience of going to the supermarket and buying a bunch of chemicals to clean with is simply easier. In today's fast-paced world the majority just want quick and easy results.

With the soap nuts there's a little extra work required and sadly most people would rather be taking selfies, bullying someone or increasing their self-esteem on Facebook. (Note sarcasm on the last one).

I was brought up in an environment where to stay warm we had to cut wood, to eat we farmed (Did a post a while back on that) and most things were manual not automatic. Now I know times change but I think a lot of people seek the quick fix rather than wanting to do the little bit extra work.

It's commendable that you (and others) seek alternatives to the modern world, to chemicals and toxins.

Really good post Kate! Cheers.

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

You're absolutely right though, for most I think it is just the convenience of a supermarket and the promise of quick and easy results. And that's no criticism to those who use these products....for some it's all today's busy lifestyles allow and also what we've been taught to believe in.
I'm lucky that I've got the time and opportunity to think about these things and find alternatives.

Interesting post. Didn't know anything about soapnuts. Got a local place that probably carries them . Will try them out. Many thanks 🐓🐓

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