Love you and fall in love

in #natural6 years ago (edited)

Ever saw a chicken? It turns out fun if we can keep chickens. I was still in sibolga (my town grew up), often raising chickens. Not my chicken anyway, my cock is my parents. hehe..

But still fun because many experiences about this aves livestock. There may be some experiences I've experienced when raising chickens.


Chickens are often nurtured laying hens, chicken pieces, and chicken. While laying hens are kept only to be taken eggs only. Laying chickens are usually stacked and fed according to predetermined portions. Of course this is done so that the quality of eggs produced is also good. Chicken cut as the name implies only kept to be taken only meat, this is what we often consume in places to eat.

In contrast to laying hens and chicken pieces, chicken is more often released into the wild. Chickens are usually kept for meat and eggs. In accordance with the goal before, chicken need more "nutrition" so we can eat at the dinner table. Hmm ... emang sih, ga must be removed so, but usually the chicken that is released is healthier and more nutritious than the caged chicken in the cage.

MOTHER I want to take a chicken, certainly buy a chicken, not another chicken. There are many strange activities that have taken place during chickens. Once I had to run around a village to chase a loose chicken. hehe…. but his cock can not be caught, eh pas ga chased again, his chicken instead back to the cage. ha ha…. 🙂

Tau ga kalo chicken is the most stupid animals kalo again nyebrang? Try to see if there is a chicken on the other side again looking for food. Then we use motorcycles or bicycles through the street where the chicken nyari eat. Usually the chicken will try to cross next to the road, when ga ga nyebrang also ga why-why tuh chicken. haha .. chicken base feels his life is threatened, haha ​​...; D

Chicken, it's an animal that I think is docile, just like a dog, but it's noisy, do not ask for dogs. Chicken kalo spoiled (ha ???), meaning stroked, chicken will sleep. Not a real sleep hell, because I also ga never see the sleeping chickens, just bruised shut eyes. If disturbed, ntar he woke up again.

Chicken is also a dirty animal. Maybe we've been scolded as a child so ga play on the ground, because it will get worm disease. The suggestion is true, the chicken is also no exception. Chickens can also get worms, but not become diseases, but become real worms in their bodies. If friends often mess with the chicken, let alone ever see the chicken worms, friends can see the eyes of the chicken. The worms in the chicken body sometimes "milling" in the area of ​​their eyes. Sometimes there is a worm coming from above his eyes down into the area under his eyes. So if you want to eat chicken, do not eat its head if emang ga cleaned properly. Disgusting yes ..? Wow, do not do this read out, my friends want to eat again later chicken, haha ​​... 🙂 What the hell ?? hehe ... If you can suggest hell, chicken should nail cut let ga ga long, let him ga worms, haha. Later I can not eat dong on the ground? 😀

By the way, we (family) have loh melihara chicks aged nyampe 7 years. Wew, listen to the oldest chicken's age is 14 years. hehe .. But 7 years old already, usually chicken ga nyampe age 3 years already koid alias die for eaten. But unfortunately the chicken died aged to 7 because forgot to be entered into the cage fit again rain, finally his cock and die in the middle of the page 🙁

But gpp, the important experience is the most important, so if I just graduated from ITB ga can work, most engga've no shadow where to find nyari work (meaning ???) That is eating chicken before work. hehe..

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