A Few Thoughts and Reflections on the Journey Towards Health and Well Being

~ Photo by Shaojie on Unsplash

It's ALL Connected

I am currently doing some research for a friend who contracted shingles recently (I found out 3 days ago, and she has had it since the end of January.) It showed up on her ear and because of the intense inflammation, one of her cranial nerves was impinged on enough to cause Bell's Palsy. Because I have been studying alternative health modalities for decades, she asked for some help with herbs and any other advice I might have on these subjects. Yes, she is seeing and has been seeing various medical doctors, had a barrage of tests and C scans, and has been seeing a chiropractor and acupuncturist on the regular. I am a supplement to her journey towards being pain free and having natural movement back in her face.

Needless to say, I am distracted. I am her friend of around 18 years. We live about a hour and 15 minutes away from each other, and she has a very supportive family so I understand her hesitation on immediately asking for help. That said, I wish that she would have contacted me soon. Oh well.

We ALL Have Work to Do

Do not be misled by anyone telling you that all you have to do is take a pill or read a book (or something simple like that) and all your woes and troubles will be over. WRONG! I have been on this gorgeous planet for almost 51 years and there will always be something that you need to work on, something to learn, and some obstacle in your path...period.

Nerves are the interface, the communication, between the outside and the inside of the body. Nerves are so important in keeping us from injuring ourselves from hot stove tops or sharp rocks on the ground. Right now I am thinking about the inflammation that is causing my friend's ear to swell to 3 times its normal size. Needless to say, she is in a lot of pain still.

Digestion is One of the Central KEYS to Robust Health

Of course, I am looking at my friend's current symptoms. I am chipping away at what possibly lead to this outbreak (thus the wish that she contacted me sooner). What would I do if I was in this situation?

It's all about prevention. Noticing the signs. The body is very good at telling us there is a problem but are we really listening?

First Do No Harm

Sometimes I think that doctor's forget that oath.

I am going to make some breakfast, take a walk, and prepare for my movement class I teach on Tuesdays. For me to be fully available to help my friend, I need to take care of myself as well. Of course, I want her to feel better now so I say a few prayers for her. It's all in God's hands. I will try my best to help her with what He has given.

Be well and God bless!!

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