N.A.T.O. Is Not What You Think It Is - Part 2.

in #nato7 years ago

NATO - A terrorist and an extortionist!

Presenting the fact’s in “Black & White”

Before “any” person decides to go off “half-cocked”, shout, rant or rave, YOU better be prepared to read, view with an open mind of conjecture and be absolutely 100% sure if you dare challenge this! Now that’s a “balls’y” comment to make and it means that I must be absolute armed to my teeth to take on the might of a terrorist organization that bring fear and terror to almost one billion people (and that just the one the claim to look after), and of the six and a bit billion others? They look on with a shriek of fear at the sabre rattling and false allegations of NATO with “Shit – are the psychotic or what”?

To understand the black and white of what is going on, you need to understand what is black and white in the first place. Ah that’s easy, black is black and white is white, what’s so hard about that? I say, look again and see the truth; Look a Zebra crossing, that’s black and white just like a Zebra; and you would all agree “Yes, that’s right, a Zebra is black and white” and I would openly agree with 100% a Zebra is black and white. But […] a zebra crossing is NOT black and white, it is in fact WHITE ONLY, can you show me the “black paint”? A zebra crossing is not an assimilation of a true fact, in fact, the crossing is a “1/2 white” crossing, no more than that. If you think any other, then your dumber than you look!

The Zebra effect is what NATO applies to YOU, You, and you, and them (over there) and those (over there) and ever other person, but themselves, “Look, it was a big boy who shit in my pants and run over there, go after him, stop him so he and his big boy friends can’t shit in anybody’s else’s pants?”; Come on… NATO; Your crock of “shit” and “lies” died a long time ago, same as your Mafia concept of unilateral extortion, that went out of the window along with your nepotistic employment methods.

Standing on my soap box, balls the size of an elephant and bolts of lightning shooting from my arse, I’ll call the bluff of NATO, right here and now. I’ll make a list of claims, I’ll produce the fact and the evidence, then I’ll offer to NATO to refute, then I’ll say what the outcome of refuting the evidence is.

The definition of a NATO Security clearance, fact or false? FALSE, NATO does not have the ability to produce its own security clearance, it relies 100% on the host nations to VET in advance any future employee. To the recruiter […]; Quote, “Minimum requirement (NATO Security Clearance)” hmm… A falsity of a presumed fact, that is called a lie. The definition of the “pre-fix” on a classified document of the acronym “NATO” means that the content of the document can be shared equally without restriction to any other member state of NATO, it does not indicate that the originator had the right to create a clearance of classification, it means the content is equal to all member’s.

NATO and National “vetting” process, this is the process that the host nation undertakes to grant un-fettered access to classified material, it goes on a scale from very low to very high, with the highest being classified as COSMIC TOP SECRET ATOMOL, it doesn’t get any higher than that. This is special intelligence, compartmentalized material that if exposed to any other group or individual would have devastating effects on the satiability of NATO and the implied security of a nation or nations. In other words, it real heavy shit. You can’t get one of these clearances saving tokens from a corn-flake box, and they are not issued as gift certificate in a cracker-jack box. The vetting procedure is long and extremely in-depth, it takes six to twelve months of national research to a sure the safety of a nation is being granted to a person who must be 100% trustworthy, reliable, honest and not some psycho nut job. How many of these clearances are issued? Ho not many at all; In fact, the “Prime Minister” of the U.K. DOES NOT have a clearance this high, and many Admirals, and Generals, likewise do NOT. This type of clearance is “The Dog-Bollocks” of clearances and the person who holds it, well they are “National Saints” in their actions. This bit of paper is the holly bible of clearance as is not something that is issued likely.

What if the document were falsified? A fake? A fraud? What are the NATO implication’s and the national implications? The BLACK and WHITE of this is “Holly shit” who done that? And, Oh, My, God, we are in the shit; We are up to our arse in alligators, a monumental “fuck-up” of insurmountable proportion’s. Yes, good old NATO done just that! They falsified a NATIONAL RECORD of “Cosmic Top Secret ATOMOL”; they done so to gain access to “Top Secret” information held by the certificate holder.

Now, to do this, (the fraud, the lie, the fake) is also known as espionage, spying on member states, then to take that newly gained information and to SELL to the highest bidder! Naughty, naughty, NATO, you should not have done that. For NATO to say, “Oh no we never”, I’ll say well what the fuck is this? This is a NATO issued COSMIC TOP SECRET ATOMOL clearance, issued for and on behalf of the United Kingdom, certified as authentic by the security administration team of the Supreme Headquarter Allied Powers Europe (S.H.A.P.E.), and signed off locally by the UK’s own representative Lt. Cdr. Terry Richards, and stamped as authentic by himself. So, Who’s at fault?

Is it the holder of the certificate? (NO, he’s just the honest upstanding man that he is). Was it NATO, (Oh YES). Was it the Royal Naval Officer, Lt. Cdr. Terry Richards, who knowingly falsified a government document, oops is that not TREASON. Was it the SHAPE administration who failed to act in due diligence to check the authenticity of the original document? (Yep, they cocked-up as well). Of the SIX NATO “civilians” (The mafia insiders), they assisted in extracting TOP SECRET information on the pretense of selling such information to another nation, (Namely Uncle SAM), yes to the CIA. Naughty, Naughty, that is now industrial espionage, spying and flagrance miss use of trust between member states of NATO.

In my (SAFE) possession, I hold such a certificate, if it is genuine, then everything I say is TRUE, and if it is a FAKE, then everything I say is TRUE, As I said at the start, you got to have big balls to take of the mafia of NATO and its absolute abuse of power via fear over one billion people. I want to know what the one billion people think of the fraud that NATO runs, in its extortion racket of 660 billion a year, its selling of technical secrets to other nations (for a fee), and its clandestine “electronic” wire-tap and monitoring of all traffic across the continent of Europe. Yes, you read right, NATO host’s a “toy” that eavesdrops on every bit of digital information that crosses the electronic boarders of any member of NATO. How do I know, because I built IT. I also hold in my SAFE possession drawings of the working model of the S.A.V.E. (Special Archive (of) Valuable Emissions), it’s a vault of all the goodies collected, a black book of the naughty things NATO managed to collect, and NATO uses its SAVE (its black book) to extort billions from other host nations.

I’ll do a bit more tomorrow.
Love and Kisses, (A friend of humanity).

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