N.A.T.O. Is Not What You Think It Is.

in #nato8 years ago

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization?
'Patience on NATO spending running out'
“We are a group of many acting as one; We, will come to the aid of each other in the time of conflict, to pick a fight with one is to pick a fight will all”. In order for you all to appreciate what is written below, I will inform all reader’s in advance that what is written below I am prepared to repeat under-oath before a court under the open threat of unlimited liability and perjury and unlimited fees or fines! NATO does NOT frighten me; you are invited to read the truth of the lie told to each of you.
Basically, what NATO is, it’s a “fight club” that announces to other’s “Look we are big and strong, push your luck here and we’ll kick your ass”. Let’s not lie about it, that’s what NATO stands for, it’s a gang of thug’s spanning the European continent encroaching on the Balkan regions, and down to the thresholds of the Arabic boarders of Turkey.

NATO hosts in excess of ONE BILLION people, that is 580,000,000 in Europe and 460,000,000 in the US and Canada. That’s one 7th of the world’s population; All grouped together all being “protected” by the gang who run NATO.

The gang that runs NATO is 2600 strong, they are known as the NATO civilian incumbent’s. It’s NOT and I repeat quite clearly it is NOT the military who runs NATO, it is the 2600 civilian’s; they control EVERYTHING.

What do I mean by everything? All of the communication’s, (you can’t have a fight without communications”, “He who controls the communications will win the next war”; that is the quote I made to the head of “SMD” “Services management division” of NATO, and that was the one line that cause NATO to spend 3.4 billion on the over-haul and upgrade of its global communications presences and security. One man said one line and that one line was worth 3.4 billion.

The civilians (of) SMD, (NATO incumbent’s) tell the “temporary” military staff what is going on, remember every military person in NATO is there SHORT TERM, no longer than three to four years, and that is not long enough to understand the inner workings of the organization. The military rely and trust the comments of the NATO civilian to guide them and advise them on everything they do and say, the military are nothing more than puppets that are being managed by 2600 civilians.

The civilians dictate, and I do mean dictate to the military command everything that they do and or say, the NATO supreme council is civilian as well, with several special seats that cannot be revoked, UK, the US are two to name a few.

The civilians at the top of the TOP are also only temporary, they are made up of the elective few, they also follow the guidance of the 2600 NATO civilians. So, the ones at the top who talk to the military (at the top) tell the military at the top what the NATO civilian at the bottom told them to say.

NATO’s got nothing to do with international control of power and displayable force! It’s a gang of 2600 who have a “slush fund” of 2% of GDP to play war-games with.

But they don’t even do that. All that the civil population of NATO counties view, is a few photos and a short video of some ships, aircraft and or tanks moving from point A” to point “B”, some smoke and the odd flash bang, that’s it. Everything else never takes place; Everything is electronic; the total image that is presented to the civilian world is nothing more than a glorified electronic image of nothingness.

To use an analogy, it would be that NATO is “civil/military” version of a Hollywood block-buster. But this block-buster cost YOU a cool 660 Billion every year. That 660 billion (the slush fund) or 2% of GDP that is used by 2600 civilians playing fictional war scenarios on a fictional nonexistent battle field against a nonexistent enemy. Not content with the VERY BIG LIE of the pretense of upcoming BALKAN conflict and eastern rhetoric of what other term as the soviet-bloc, NATO civilian have a NEW game to play, it’s called cyber-warfare, a big battle of one and zeros! Yes, the NATO civilian has managed to hood-wick one billion people into think that the capture of a “1” and a “0” will save the planet from destruction, and they charge YOU 660 BILLION each year to chase after a “1” and a “0”.

The bill for “their” fun and games carries a bigger price than the 660 billion, remember that’s per YEAR! To examine how this money is collected, (the debt collection services of NATO), results in “if you don’t pay, we won’t play” or “If you don’t cough up your money, your fee, our extortion fee, we will invite the local thugs to wreck your country, (Croatia – BiH – Serbia) we’ll even pay them to do so (U.K. Margaret Thatcher), we’ll supply them with the guns and bullets,(U.S.) and we’ll feed the cyber world with fake news that leads to the local thugs thinking that you want to pick a fight (CNN / Sky). So, pay up of fall foul to the local thugs around you”. Now where have you heard that type of comment before?

Mafia Extortion, The Hoodies, The Triad’s, and many more; All tarred with one brush, of pain and extortion; but NATO puts a clean smile upon its face, “Oh we’re not the bad guys?”; Oh, you really think so? Now that the “gang” (of) 2600 extortionist known as NATO incumbents have managed to extort a mere 660 billion a year! Come on… …. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE. Not content with shafting 1,000,000,000 (ONE BILLION) people for 2% of their earnings, the NATO civilian grants themselves a salary! The minimum salary for the lowest hoodie is 50,000 Euros per year TAX FREE! Not content with fifty grand each, all of their food, all of their booze and all of the cigarettes; All of the electronics, absolutely everything is TAX FREE, each can have a brand-new car, TAX FREE, exempt of all duties, and below market price just because they are a hoodie! Topping up their pension fund is FREE and TAX FREE for life! Medical TAX FREE, life insurance is TAX FREE, 28 day’s holiday per year FULLY PAID, (and) if they work “out-of-hours” they get an extra day’s holiday, added to the holidays they already get, they also get every holiday of every nation in NATO, rounding the holiday down to some 72 days TAX FREE FULLY PAID holidays each year. Working hours, now there is a joke, I met one man who came to his office at 9am with his coffee, opened up his book, read a few hundred pages and went home at 4pm. He done this every day for the SEVEN YEARS I knew him, seven times 50k is 350,000 Euros to read a book and drink coffee! It is also IMPOSSIBLE to dismiss a NATO civilian, it requires written approval of ALL 28 countries, and the host country of the civilian will never sign that any member of their staff is a hoodie, it’s a job for life. They can work (well read a book) until they are 75; the average age of a NEW NATO HOODIE is 30, so that 45 year’s salary or 45 time 50,000 or 2,350,000 Euros, plus the TAX-FREE BOLTS ON’S of 200% of salary, or an annual NET income of 150,000 per year for 45 years or 6,750,000 EACH! This is why ALL NATO civilians have detached four and five bedroomed homes in the top residential areas, many run their own secondary company (two actually own their own distillery!).

When are the 1,000,000,000 (ONE BILLION) people going to WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE?

To view YOUR LOSS of 2% of your money is to view what could have been done with 2% of your money! If 2% of your money is worth 660 Billion per year, think of the repair to each local economy, homes, health systems, education, investment into new jobs and employment, local infrastructure, roads, rail and more. What could each of you do with 660 billion each year? NATO has stood for close to 70 years, or 46,200,000,000,000 or FORTY-SIX TILLION. Think of the repair globally that could have been done with 46 trillion? But those at the top have fooled, lied, cheated and de-fraud’ed each and every one of you into thinking that there is big trouble just around the corner, they have conned you out of 46 trillion by using one word: “FEAR”.

Therefore, all you have to do is ask for the receipt! If you have paid for something, exchange a fee for something, there must be a receipt somewhere, if not then that is TAX evasion! It does not matter if you’re the lowest of the low, the poor man in the street or the leader of a country, or the countries money man (or) woman, if you hand over 2% of all that you are each year, there MUST be a receipt, if there is no receipt then its theft and or fraud, and or tax fraud or tax evasion. If you have to pay tax at the bottom, then those at the top must also pay the same commensurate tax, be that as a person or as a country. There must be a receipt for the 46,200,000,000,000 that has been collected by the NATO hoodies over the last 70 years, if not then its money laundering on an international scale.

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