Blessed meal tonight. Welcome. To my culture.

Buffalo. It was our lives and across the country. Nearly extinct and now we even have a heard of them. On our reservation.

Well. Elders and also honored people are gifted things like this.

And also honoring the animal this came from.

One time shooting with my brother they checked us out. Amazing animals and so intelligent. Let alone HUGE! I was in awe. Let alone having them that close. Truly love the moment. And again what a blessing.

Well what do you think?

Should indigenous peoples religious freedom and culture be allowed to exist?

Or should we all assimilate and become one mindless organism?

This is my culture the food I was raised on through the past generations.

Everything from the love shown that beautiful animal and care. To the respect and quick death. To the cleanliness of person in prayer, presentation, and religious belief.

To the sharing through the family. To our people. Nothing is wasted.

But being gifted this?

It is a big honor. I'm not entitled to it as a medicine man. Or because I'm better than my brother or sister.

It is because I've been trying hard and do so much for others.

Thank you for all the votes and love. I appreciate it.

I'll always be myself and my own person. I have integrity and strength. I don't have to bow to anyone. Neither do you.

Tomorrow comes!

Posted using Partiko Android


Enjoy your blessed meal @ganjafarmer
Always honor and keep true your traditions and heritage.


Thank you. May you have peace in your heart.

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy sir ganjafarmer! Of course the religions and culture of indigenous people should be allowed to not only exist but to be revived. To be honored in such a way is a beautiful thing!

Thank you!

Posted using Partiko Android

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