NationStates, a very nice political game online

in #nationstates5 years ago

Hello steemers!

This is my second posting, this time I'm going to talk about Nation States, a very interesting web game.

NS portada primera imagen.png

-"Issues" gaming
Players set up their nation by answering a short questionnaire about their intentions for its economy, civil rights and political freedoms, giving it a name, a flag from current countries and territories or their own, a national animal, a currency, and an official motto.
The player's response to the initial questionnaire defines the type of government they are running, though it can change over time as you answer Issues.

Gameplay hinges on deciding government policies: Multiple times each day the player is presented with an automatically assigned "issue", such as choosing whether to allow a right-wing protest march, or dealing with food shortages in their country. The player chooses a government stance from a list of options, or may choose to dismiss the problem. Each action or inaction affects the prosperity of the player's country, and may have unforeseen effects. For instance, granting greater political freedom may lead to more civil unrest. Some issues are written by the game's developers, while others are submitted by players with in-game "populations" of 50,000,000 or greater. For the first 30 days of a nation's existence, only game-created issues can be answered, but after that period any approved issue can be answered. The player's responses to issues affect the nation's status in three main factors: the level of Political Freedoms and Civil Rights and the strength of the Economy

Based on the nation's civil, economic and political freedoms, the nation is assigned to one of 27 government types, from Anarchy, to Inoffensive Centrist Democracy, to Psychotic Dictatorship. Although there is no way of "winning" the game, daily "World Census reports" are compiled for each region and the entire world, ranking nations on anything from economic strength to the most liberal public nudity laws.

As of May 2018, there are now more tan 1,000 different issues that nations can be confronted with.

-Raiding/defending gameplay
Outside the basic technical parameters of nation play, players can also move freely between regions, and use their status to "endorse" each other, making one of them a regional World Assembly Delegate, a tactic commonly called "raiding". Raiding sometimes, depending on the regional settings, gives the invaders power over regional appearance, border control, and "embassies" with other regions, among other powers. Certain regions, such as the Black Hawks, exist to do this, leading to the rise of other, "defending" regions who seek to prevent raiders from doing so, such as The Order of the Grey Wardens.

NS Brauliopolis segunda imagen.png
Nation States Is a multiplayer government simulation browser game. Created by Max Barry released on February 2003. Today is a online community, with over 6 million user-created nations.

A region is defined as a group of nations which come together in order to interact. They do this on a Regional Message Board, which functions much like a chat room, or on regional offsite forums, through groups such as xenForo and Discord. Furthermore, many regions, particularly larger ones, have "regional governments", which involve themselves in the World Assembly, in inter-regional gameplay, and domestic regional affairs. Some of these regions, such as The North Pacific,] have adopted democratic governmental models, while others, such as Lazarus, opt for anarchy or other forms of regional government.

New nations appear in one of five main game regions (known in the game as "feeders") located in the NationStates version of the Pacific Ocean (The East, West, North, South and the Pacific), but nations are able to move to other regions, or create their own. Nations that remain inactive and are resurrected are put into three "sinker" regions called Osiris, Balder and Lazarus, all named after characters that purportedly rose from the dead. Nations ejected or banned from a region are moved to a region known as "The Rejected Realms". Players may have multiple nations (contributing to the active nation count), but only one nation may be a member of the World Assembly.

NS RNA tercer imagen.png

-The World Assembly
The World Assembly is an international law-making body within NationStates, in which players may submit resolutions that, if they garner enough approvals from regional World Assembly Delegates, reach a vote among all members of the organization (membership is voluntary). These resolutions, some of which are drafted on the forums, have covered a range of international issues, such as human rights and envirnomental protection, usually written in a format similar to that in a Model United Nations resolution.

Involvement in the World Assembly has led to an argument among nations as to the merits of national Sovereignty as opposed to the World Federalist Movement (also called International Federalism), which has the power to make binding laws over its member nations. One example of these contentious resolutions was "Reproductive Freedoms", which requires member nations to legalize abortion.

NS WA cuarta imagen.png

I invite you to create a nation (or several) and join the community, give it an opportunity and you will see why the people who start playing it never leave it!
My nation:

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