“WHERE WERE YOU ON 10/21/2016?”

in #nationofsimulation7 years ago (edited)

I don’t remember specifically where I was that day, but I AM certain I was somewhere; I ALWAYS AM, so then never have I not been. What I can say is I was somewhere between here ..


and here..



Oh and one other thing, I’m pretty sure @frankbacon was there too. He’s one of the men in the painting, but which one I Frankly have no idea.

“Follow to be lead”


10.21.16 Ecuadorian Embassy Washington Raided, Internet shut off,Airport Shutdown and Julian Assanage transported to black site


Clearly... THIS is about COAL.

COLE Knows something, that's for sure. Nearing time for a rewatch, this time through coles eyes

When one door closes, another opens...
Eh @csthetruth?

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