Conspiracy NASA's : Landing Conspiracy on the Moon)

in #nasa7 years ago


The footprints
The footprints were too obvious. If you set foot on a very dry surface like on the Moon then it is impossible to be that clear. The footprints seen in the photo can be created on a rather wet surface. For comparison try to set your shoes on the surface of the sand is dry and a bit wet. Meaning this is a FALSE PALSU landing on the Moon.


Who set foot on the Eagle ladder (the name of the vehicle used to land on the moon you know). He was in the dark shadow of the Eagle, because the light came from the front of Bang Aldrin should he not be clearly visible there because it was blocked by the shadow of Eagle. In fact he seems very clear there. This means that there is another light source that highlights him, when it should be in the moon there is only one light source that is the sun. In conclusion this photo is not photographed on the moon but in the photo studio.

Eagle Platform
Well this one seems to be the next NASA lie. Take a look under Eagle. There should be a crater or at least the crater of the former landing land there. Why is not there? Moreover, the surface visible in the photo is a dusty surface.

No Star
Which star is it? The photo shows a very dark moon sky. Strangely in the dark there was not a single star visible. Compare with on Earth. Again this photo is original but fake.

Shadows that lead in different directions
In the moon landing photographs, some of the photographs show the direction of uniform shadows. This shows the presence of more than one source of lighting, like in a studio. Is not the sun the only source of light on the moon?

The photo above shows the shadow of the rock and Lunar Lander's rides pointing in different directions.

Where is the Photographer
Where is the photographer? At that time in the moon the story was just two of them. But in the mirror glass is not visible if the other holds the camera. According to Phil Plait Bad Astronomy blog owner, the person in the photo took his own photograph, marked with his arm forward


yes nasa is the bullshit, i don't trust nasa no more , NASA is the big producer of science fiction movies in the world...

Yes thats right

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