Plants that will help you sleep

in #narturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)

Plants that will help you sleep.


Currently, in Venezuela there are moments of great political, economic and social turbulence that generates different emotions in citizens: anger, sadness, resentment, depression, reluctance. Emotions that little by little are damaging our organism, manifesting in different ways. The most recurrent is the lack of sleep or the inability to reconcile it.

Needless to say, the lack of sleep contributes to the lack of attention and concentration, sudden changes in moods that, later, can lead to depression and anxiety. In this sense, and in an attempt to sleep, Venezuelans resort to the intake of medicines prescribed by doctors to try to sleep, in the end bring more consequences than benefits and end up leaving them, coupled with the fact that they do not appear in pharmacies and tend to be very expensive.

However, many have seen in nature a way to counteract this situation and therefore increases the population that makes use of different plants to relax and sleep. Just like the mother of a friend who recently expressed irritability and depression, because a few days ago she could not sleep because of personal situations that worried her. In this case, she used chamomile and fortunately she could rest a little. But, in addition to these plants there are also others that can help us relax and sleep more peacefully, which are the ones I present below:

Chamomile: this plant, in addition to its valuable contribution to the recovery of stomach ailments and menstrual cramps, is also an ideal plant for relaxation and, consequently, to sleep. I confess that this is my favorite. I usually drink it frequently.


Valeriana: this plant has multiple benefits for our bodies. Among them we can mention its analgesic and anti-inflammatory action which makes it ideal to treat headache discomforts. Antidepressant, improves digestive disorders, promotes rest, is a natural antidepressant and acts as a natural sedative, since it is tranquilizing. With regard to this plant, I remember that a very close friend lost her dad and she was very nervous and restless and a companion gave her a valerian pill and the effect was almost immediate and she was able to get some sleep that night. So I recommend it.


Linden: this plant helps improve flu processes. Antispasmodic. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic. This is often used to treat digestive discomfort and menstrual cramps. It is also a natural relaxant. This acts on the central nervous system providing relaxation to people suffering from stress, insomnia, nervousness.


Melissa: this plant is also ideal to provide a quality sleep, it can also be used to improve memory, as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, relieve cough, among others.


Before finishing with the brief exhibition, I suggest that the intake of these plants is not prolonged, since, as is well known, everything in excess can be harmful.

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