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RE: Narcissism

in #narcissism6 years ago

Good post my man!

I don't really see narcissism as being utterly terrible and a cause of suffering, in some cases it can be but in a world like today where people are so insecure and care so much about what people think and say about them, it doesn't seem so bad to not give a shit about others opinions.

Narcissists are known for being extremely successful, look at Mr Trump for example, because they lack the empathy that would otherwise hold them back, now it goes without saying that lots of empathic people achieve success, but never to the extent of an unrelenting narcissist. Steve Jobs is another great example, everyone who worked with him called him a dick more times than they could count, but he is also known as a genius and is one of the most famous people in history.

Albert Einstein was also a little narsisistic, he neglected his kids to focus on science. He lacked empathy for his wives, but as a result he left behind a legacy. He will forever be known as one of tthe greatest mids to walk on this planet, and that's because he spent all of his time creating that legacy.


Thanks dudeski sound for reading! it a great drive and a reminder to keep focused on your own end game and not allow people to slow you down. slight narcissistic traits without the compulsive me only attitude is desirable . A narc with a fragile ego who worries what people think and tries to attempt illusion to cover up a lack of substance is going nowhere. Lots of wheels spinning and smoke but no growth or self sustainability. The narc with the high self esteem is going places, the confidence that you are better is how it will benefit rather than the sole consummation of thoughts with the self.

Extreme ends of narcissism scales overlap with psychopaths who are extremely pragmatic and have the ability to become top people in ruthless businesses and army. Expert liars and manipulators, these traits would suit Jobs and Trump. I doubt Einstein was solely led by furthering his image but i dont know enough on that. ALL opinion here but spending time creating a legacy isnt bad but a good friend of ours thought me that there isnt a point in getting a legacy for something that i cant back up. The best legacies are built more on passion and a love (artificial or not) for the topic matter and less about the self.

egos aren't a bad thing as they are the only motivation people have to keep going forward so it is very important to love the person one is, but then alter that expression on it and intensity depending on ones situation.

Narcissists view situations as opportunities to come off in a favorable light in order to shag a woman or make loads of cash or get respect. I re-watched filth a few days ago and i adore how Bruce acts and sums up his lack of respect with - Same rules apply.

Yes, that is very true! I think a healthy level of narcissism is needed so that people can have a competitive edge. I also think that Steve jobs legacy was very much about himself as is Mr Trumps. And I think that is because they are (or were) extreme narcissists. Non-narcissist would create a legacy that is based on a passion for sure. The likes of Richard Branson and Gray Vee, are both very empathic people and some of the most well known and respected entrepreneurs in the world right now. The likes of Warren Buffet would also be another example. He is a very patient and humble man.

a good friend of ours thought me that there isnt a point in getting a legacy for something that I cant back up

What do you mean by 'can't back up'?

I think that narsaists are vilified in todays society. And I think they are vilified by people who don't care enough about themselves, and they can't comprehend how people could actually like themselves more than someone else. You need to be able to love yourself so that you will actually care about your future and your health. People will hate you for loving yourself because they can't love themselves. They are insecure and feel uncomfortabkle when someone else actually has self-esteem.

True that , self love beats any other!! It doesnt mean one has to demean others because of it. I just read that back over and reputation suits much better than legacy, sorry. I meant trying to be associated to things just because it would be a good reflection on the person that can further social gain when people associate the self and that thing together, in contrary to admitting lack of care eg lots of people who "believe" in things for the gratification of peers .Entrepreneurs are amazing and are the driving force in history. Narcissists dont have to truly love themselves or strive for greatness like an entrepreneur, They can just have no focus on anyone else or care. Narcs with low self esteem are the very same insecure people that cant cope with people being objectively better than them and will lash out in a passive aggressive stance.

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