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RE: NaNoWriMo - Day 4

in #nanowrimo5 years ago

Way to pack it in Marianne! I can not imagine committing to nanowrimo, or any of those marathon writing things, but I'll be back to see what you are doing with it.
Here are some of the thoughts you have prompted in me:
YOur robe reminds me of my mother's clothing, the pieces I kept for my self and wore until they were tatters. That generation thought plastic was the best thing ever, clothes were easier to care for and lasted forever. They were also itchy and smelly and now we know very bad for us
Civilization is a series of life lessons. Maybe we never actually get anywhere.
It's time for the people to wise up to the fact that our government, no matter who is in the white house, is a collection of mobs that sometimes work together to make money by making life harder for the rest of us.
I never thought about how birds get to nut meats. I love that the crows are so smart about it. Have you seen the video of a crow feeding a cat and a dog? The bird takes a morsel, walks over to the waiting car and feeds it, then gets another morsel and feeds the dog both beak to mouth.
Thank you for the morning repast.

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