November 1st means... NaNoWriMo. Am I ready for it?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #nanowrimo7 years ago

Since September I've been wondering if I was going to participate in NaNoWriMo, the annual writing challenge which provokes aspiring writers and novelists to accomplish 50,000 words in 30 days. Work load and personal life have me on the fence. Do I really want to commit to writing 1667 words a day to a book project knowing how busy I already am?

Hell, I haven't even thought about what my book would be about!
No title. No outline. No ideas.

Mindset is everything

My healthy mindset exercise includes laying out small achievable goals which lead to an ultimate bigger goal. A part of me says YES! DO IT; another part of me knows I a mere mortal and can only do so much.


So guess what I decided to do?
Write a fekkin' book, y'all.

Working Title: Crossing the Finish Line

Short Synopsis:

Who's gonna care about my story? It's the thought that's plagued me for years and I've finally hit the point where this story isn't for you. It's really for me. I have a lot of life stuffed in my 46 years; triumphs, heartbreak, loss and coping mechanisms. It's part historical document, part self-help, and all me. I have been my biggest barrier and I'm ready to cross the finish line in order to enter a new beginning.


  • Be a 2017 NaNoWriMo winner. It would be my fourth year in a row if I accomplish this feat.
  • Pace myself
  • Have a shred of sanity left at the end of this process
  • Kill two birds with one stone. By posting my book daily on Steemit I'll be active again!

I've really missed my Steemit family. Life happens, but I'm back... I think. Fingers crossed.



As long as you don't have a million things on your plate, I'm sure you're going to breeze through it. I remember you juggling a lot of things last year, including being an ML, and still managing to get stuff down. Let's keep the streak alive! I'm write there with you ;)

It seems I'm in the bad habit of putting too much on my plate. LOL I definitely had to give back the ML responsibilities. It was a great experience but it cost me in time. This year it's work with VIVA, some side gigs with a couple of ICOs, some home improvement projects before we move into a new home... and WriMo. My head is spinning just thinking about it.

And how have you been @jedau? Lots of changes on the forum since I've been away. Glad to see you are still here. HUGS.

Woah! At least you've been keeping busy! Better that than dormant, right? Look at Mere bringing home the bacon :D

I've been engaged since last we spoke, and I guess that's what's been keeping busy. I want to say I have tons of side gigs, but I have none haha!


Have you set a date yet? I love weddings.

Thanks! 1st quarter of next year. We only have a few months left, but we still have a ways to go with the preps haha!

welcome back after a month.. u worked hard.. hope u will get your reward.. all the best for ur book!

ONE MONTH?!? Whoa. Time really flies. It's truly been a whirlwind of activity with no letting up but I'm glad to be back. Getting used to this new look too. We're getting kind of snazzy up in hee-ya.

Meredith - How are you?! Long time no Steem :-)

Hope all is well with you and your family. This looks like an epic challenge you are taking on, but knowing your dedication to challenges I'm sure your will power through like a champ.

I am so glad to see so many of my Steemit friends still here holding down the fort. <3 Every once in a while I hear my father's voice in my head, "Meredith, if someone challenged you to jump off a bridge, would you?" LOL Well, I don't think writing will kill me but this self-imposed schedule might! I'm glad to be back. I've got to keep a tight schedule. Time to say hi and visit other people on Steemit. Time to write. Time to work. Time to sleep. It feels really good to be back.

And how are YOU doing @steempowerpics? What's your world been like while I was traipsing in the real world?

It will be good to see you back on here, @merej99. When I first read that you were doing the book, I was bummed, because that meant you would still be away from Steemit. So I'm glad you will be posting your writing here. I just started my own commitment project - to write a post every day in November. Good luck to us both! Write on! ; )

Thank you @haphazard-hstead
I wish I was writing from Steemfest2 but that just wasn't meant to be. Too many things going on to make that a I still need a passport. LOL

Yeah. If we thought a 10-day challenge was hard, imagine a 30 day writing commitment? It's not my first WriMo but those years I had nothing but time. WE CAN DO THIS!

What are you going to write about @merej99 ?
Be sure not to bore to death your reader though.

I haven't decided if it's going to be a memoir. It's not the writing style that I normally follow but it's worth a shot. My creative brain is tired and my muse is on vacation. LOL

yeah, I love your ambitious spirit with this! may you succeed in your goals

Thank you @natureofbeing I appreciate the show of support from the Steemit community. <3

Well... first off, welcome back!

NaNoWriMo... my wife says she's doing it, and she's pretty sincere, this go around. So I'm going to limit my participation to being her support staff... she actually has several books in the pipeline and is using it as inspiration to get going, this year.

For grins, I'm going to copy my Steemit activity for the month of November to a Word document and see what I end up with... yes, I know it's neither a novel nor anything else... it's just for curiosity's sake.

Anywaze, wishing you success with your endeavor!

Thanks @denmarkguy...and may the muse bless your wife with many words :D If I combined all the writing I did throughout the day I would be well over 10K words a day. I guess that's why writing at the end of the night is difficult. Unless it's a response it's hard to tap into my creativity. But I'm working on day 3. Only 27 more days to go. :P

Welcome back! I am in the same trap. I wish I could force myself to write more non-work stuff, but after 10K word a day for workstuff, any ability to write melts away. I wish you all the luck and will be there to cheer along!

Holy Crap @techslut - I'm so glad to see you here. I thought you disappeared for a while and we're not connected anywhere else so I hoped you were okay. <3

Yeah. Being online, in front of my computer and all the other writing that I do, my attention span is that of a gnat when it comes to my own writing. Half the time my brain is so full I can barely put two coherent words together. My husband just kisses the top of my head and tops off my coffee. He knows me so well. LOL

So... Are you doing WriMo? Did you make the commitment despite what sanity tells you? :D

Yeah, I've vanished. Work and life and stuff. Back now! Besides, I was still on Facebook and twitter and email. So didn't die, just got real busy.

My significant others have learned to accept it as - all the coffee and kisses.

No, not going to push myself. I am feeling shitty with fibro pain, have tons of work... but I do want to get ahead in my latest draft of Mistress of Magic. Yup, it's still happening.

Hi Meredith! Gosh I have been just as busy. It is sad that we don't spend more time caressing the few friends that we have left here on steemit. I am also going to try and do the nanowrimo this year but I so wish it was rather in December when I really have more time. I've been pushing myself to get all the books done for school so I've literally also just posted my daily chapter and that's it. Time to become active again here...hope you are well?

I've been a very bad Steemit friend but it seems my creative side has been put away with the work load that I have. It's hard to separate work from home when you work from home so I'm literally at my computer alllll day. My eyes are still adjusting to the colors and format of this updated Steemit world. The logo... pffft. Looks like the hurricane symbol on a weather map. LOL Anyways... let's make a better effort to keep in touch!

Hell, I haven't even thought about what my book would be about!
No title. No outline. No ideas.

So the ultimate pantsing then :D And once you get started it will flow faster than you can get it all down like a tsunami of awesome.

Good luck!


totally. LOL
Basically I made the decision, and puked up a title and synopsis...then headed over to NaNoWriMo to officially state my intentions.
The problem is I LOVE STEEMIT! I can't just write and not visit people. tick tock tick tock.

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