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RE: An Unfortunate Adventure! #freewritemadness: Day One

in #nanowrimo6 years ago

You are a born storyteller, and I mean that in the best way possible! I get so frustrated by the show-don't-tell crowd. Dostoevsky and Homer (The Odyssey) and the Nibelungenlied and other epics were all about telling. Rhyme and rhythm were built in because without the printing press, oral storytellers relied on poetic prose because it's more easily memorized. There is MERIT in "tell vs show" - fairy tales are more tell than show! And your Min-Min lights lend themselves to that. The truth is stranger than fiction... I'm resisting the urge to google this Aussie phenom RIGHT NOW and work on my NaNo word count instead, but oh, man, the Foo Fighters of WWII, lights witnessed by American soldiers in Germany territory - what ARE these thing?? You've tapped into a national treasure! And you're balancing the show vs tell quite well. While freewriting, it's great to do more telling. Later, go back and edit in the show. Narrative flow can be impeded by descriptive details. "He was angry" is a tell, and "He shoved the chair back and slammed his fist on the table" is a show, but sometimes we get hung up in the showing and lose the narrative pace. So, just go go go go! You're telling a great story, and I really liked the "First World Problems" of the Millennial whose phone wasn't working. "How could it get worse" - those famous words of doom - I learned never EVER to say "What next!" or "It can't get any worse." There is no greater invitation to all the imps and gremlins out there looking for their next victim. ;)

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