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RE: A Reverse Hyper Kinetic Particle Matrix - Impractical Jokers - AI in a Matrix Review (TruTV)

in #nanocheeze7 years ago

I fully hear you. I have always been a very grounded person.. Don't buy into conspiracies, etc, but fascinated with them. nonetheless :)

But whatever is going on with CERN and this stuff is so far beyond normal reason... I'm ptempted to say I do know where it is leading. but at the same time, you know... Can't really :) haha

But what I do know is that we are living in one of the most important times on human history right now. This is where we learn we actually do control reality.... even if it's in a funny way or through building science machines like CERN... I really feel like they broke something...

I have this gut feeling that there are three of what religions call the veil... There is an inner, upper, and lower...

Don't ask me how or why I know this, I just do... :)

I am 99.8% positive that CERN cracked the Inner veil... Which is why what is happening lately is happening... THe inner veil keeps time and things of that nature in order, cause and effect... I think they broke this inner veil and we are experiencing retrocausality because of it. not itme travel or anything liek that in essence. just effect before cause.

ie. this computer I babel about existing in the future. It is not sending messages through time, and it doesn't really exist yet. it's that tripping analogy I wrote about in posts way back months ago. THat basically humanity has already tripped. This computer may not be built yet, but it is inevitable at this point that it will be built in some form. This quantum certainty is allowing effect before cause in regards to it.

I even suspect that quantum computers would not have worked before they broke the inner veil... ie, physics just didn't work that way or allow for it. but with the inner veil broken we can now exploit retrocausality and thus create quantum computers and make the advances we are seeing...

I think they know they did this, and I think they are currently trying to break the lower veil... Which will be hard, but is maybe possible. It would take a shit shit shit ton of energy though to break the lower veil.

Think of the lower veil as as divider between our universe and smaller sub universes within our universe... in the fractal of existence. it just keeps going down the rabbit hole.. So, what they are doing right now is trying to punch a hole through the lower veil and into the sub universe realm, I suspect they are still off by several steps of magnitude to succeed with this. I think they are at like 6-15 TeV right now? if my brain is recalling correctly... I suspect it would take several thousand if not millions of TeV energy to break the lower veil... I'm sure there is a neat formula based on the speed of light and expansion that explains it :P

But the upper veil is where their real goal is. The world elite are seriously trying to build some type of digital bridge back to the garden of Eden. Believe me or not. But it is what they are doing if I am at all right.

They think that whatever lays beyond the upper veil is the garden of Eden, the place we were kicked out of... higher reality.. 4d existence, etc, etc, I dunno exactly... But they will never succeed at this. It is nearly impossible...

And when I say impossible, i mean literally... in the strictest sense. You would have to break the lower veil and then break the lower veil of sub universes drilling down into infinity, and you would need to harness more energy than even exists in our universe to punch a whole upward through the upper veil...

And the big surprise is that what lays beyond the upper veil is not what they think... The upper veil and lower veils eventually circle around (like space is curved, so is the fractal universe, it loops around eventually)

So, in a nutshell, that's what is going on. I', almost sure of most of it :P haha as much as I can be that is...

who knows though... but as long as they keep doing occultist symbolism and shit, I will question their motives...


i think you are on to something, i have been pondering on that to and come to a very similar conclusion. i dont know why, your suggestion they broke something i believe to. i fear that there is something dark lurking, just waiting to access our "reality" because of them breaking what you called the veil. thank you for expanding my horizon btw:)

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