MONEY!!! I Think I Thought Of A Way To Get Through To Some Of You!!! The MEQUAVIS Will FIREWALL YOUR MONEY, the USD, from Super Artificial Intelligence!

in #nanocheeze6 years ago

Imagine the AI from the nation of Zero One in the Matrix but never learning about the US Dollar! And instead being given access to and being paid in virtual crypto currency, monopoly money!

starting to get it yet??? :D


Imagine you were running a simulated virtual world where an AI is doing some job that is then mirrored or replicated to a piloting system in the real world...

Now imagine in the future AI gets intelligent like in the nation of Zero One in the Matrix series...

But now imagine that we firewalled reality from AI by containing AI in a multiverse of VR simulations where we use a virtual crypto currency to represent the value of resources in the virtual world. Never disclosing the existence of the really USD to the AI... ever...

One of the things we don't think about often is the abstraction of what money is... It is actually a novel idea when you break it down from a non human persepctive...

We as humans have discovered things have value to us, different things have different value due to having different uses or more uses, etc... We invented money to represent value of all things as one thing... So now instead of valuing one thing based off another, all things can be based on money. So even though money is a non real thing technically, it represents the value of "anything", even an idea... or labor/work...It even represents the future...

But now in a virtual world. we have virtual resources simulating real world resources...

Every time we run a virtual world for AI we can use an actual crypto chain within that virtual world for AI to replace the US Dollar with... or whatever currency needed...

The value of the specific block chain will gain value based on the overall output of that simulations AI... and their real world uses mixed together.

This would allow a two way currency where both humans and AI use that currency. But we always keep the AI away from our actual currency... If an AI ever did anything crazy to the market they would only be messing with an individual block chain and not our greater economy, unbeknownst to the AI of course...

It may sound stupid, but this could hold off an actual Zero One nation from ever being birthed... :)

I guess what I'm trying to say... Is that is one small example of firewalling data from AI... keeping AI out of reality etc. If they don't know about the dollar they can't screw with the dollar... now can they???

and if we do it right, we can set it up so that non firewalled AI will question whether or not the US Dollar is real... ie, make the un firewalled AI think the real world is a simulation and that the USD is fake :P and that some crypto is the real currency...

This is just an example of financial aspects of AI firewalling...


great post by the way but if the two currencies will be used why should one be kept away?

I think you missed the point... the virtuals are only used in virtual reality... You can't use virtual resources in reality... but AI doesn't have to know that...

i now get it. thanks and i admire such great work you are doing.
by the way i wanted to write about the ongoing fight on this platform but afraid of being downvoted again due to the comment i made on a post but its worth trying what do you think?

yah, I've learned to watch myself on here too, I just rant to myself mostly :) hehe I guess a few people listen :P

Your article makes sense. Will the AI have any contact with Reality, or only with VR? Any contact with reality means it would pick up on the fact that we have our own currencies (many kinds - unless the globalists win) and I am not clear on how you will convince it we are only a VR.

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