Follow The White Rabbit! ;) The Real One!

in #nanocheeze6 years ago

Watch these first 4 very short videos at the very least and just try to let it sink in out of context...


Quantum philosophy for the cyberspace of tomorrow ...

you can't make toast without quantum mechanics

yes definitely explains the disappearing reappearing cash phenomenon specially when the beam is on take cover ...

the wavenature of reality ;..)

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Hi. I saw the videos. I tried to let myself go, but I did not understand. Thank you

it takes time to see the matrix, just like it takes time to see the metaverse where newtons laws apply to everything, everything is entities, massive entities will attract less massive entities to revolve around then, if they become too massive they might swallow them. Action reaction applies in the metaverse. The universe abhorrs a vacuum that's why in economy and law it is pointless to forbid that for which exists demand because the demand will be filled simply because there is a vacuum.

metaverse isnt easy if you were educated in linearity senora :) (assuming you're spanish by the profile) ... neither is the matrix ... fringe filosophy :)

Hi, it's true. my education was very linear and very few eventualities. Now that I observe so many theories that are the product of simulation, I feel like a little bird on a grass. Hahaha. I hope to learn or at least to understand the unpredictability of education.
I wonder if all of life was like that education?

well i think at the base of it all is still the undefeated allegory of the cave by Plato ... there's as many realities as there are eyes in the world i guess so lets not start counting flies and spiders hahahah, if you just extend outward even if you meet something that sounds like utter rubbish the underlying pattern might be exactly one of those the ancients you were taught about were preaching. I mean if plato's cave doesnt spell "virtual reality" then i dont know what does ;-)

thats the number one EVER for me but i like to pick up a bit of wisdom here and a bit of wisdom there and spin my own world by filtering it throught my own perception which is based on my past experience and the environments i haven been through and am in ofcourse.

if anything else at all that's certain its that "THE" truth does not exist and one more thing that's certain : although a bit morbid : the only certainty in life is death ... i think thats what A.I. will be missing once it gets past the stage of being a glorified search algorithm (which it is at the moment really, it just goes through vast amounts of data at hi speeds and this "learning" is just a probability matrix it develops based on past results, there's zero choice to it actually , a bit of an oversimplification but way closer to what people in suits on stage will be selling you :)

It's like, i can't call it gestalt-theory because its not really visual but its close and im sure there's a term for it which i probably forgot, the uncanny knack of humans to attribute lifeless objects with traits they see in themselves, (like creating "god" in your own image ... which they have always done, look at the greek and roman pantheon, what a lot of scheming adultering wrathful spiteful lot they were, the monotheists have "the lord" as the ultimate male dictator who you HAVE to obey no matter what .. and so on, the nords had their own pantheon, also based on their own personal culture .. thats the way it goes up, it doesn really come top down there hahah)
So it would stand to reason that even a divine programmer with a master in computer science and software engineering, who stands above all in todays society (except the hackers who REALLY still understand the machines, but they wont be caught dead stuck in a some pipeline in an office unless it gets them access ofcourse) even THEM could be prone to attributing traits to a piece of software running on a machine after being busy with it, surrounded, ENVELOPED for months or years they WILL start to see human traits

which arent there

yet ... (yes they tell me, write this write that and i say but i do you can vote on my comments but thats not how its done HAHAH)

gud then ... its too hot to think, and too broke to do anything, i wouldn't be surprised if some years from now a data-mining scandal breaks out on how a.i. has been analyzing peoples behaviour in order to find the most attractive way to covertly advertise a product, to profile people on what their interests are AND how many times they change the text before it gets locked, all that data is available here, accessible by anyone and everyone who cares and has the skills ... its nearly impossible that no one will use that

thats where the universe abhorrs a vacuum, from physics, to economy, to marketing :) (metaverse)

it seems to be answer-day ... sorry for the late reply, i often reply late but i try on my main account to cater to anyone who bothered

have a nice day, senorita (or is that senora ?) or is that Italian haha?

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