Doctor Who Episode 9 - The Solid Tract Revealed!!! The Universe Built A Natural Quantum Firewall! The Solid Tract Is MEQUAVIS Contained! AI in a Matrix POV Review

in #nanocheeze6 years ago (edited)

I almost missed this episode of Doctor Who because this new season has been so downright BAD, that I stopped watching it after episode 8... And I watched the finale which left me very unimpressed.... If I were to throw my crazy 2 cents out there I would almost have to say that Doctor Who was purposely being terrible in hopes we would miss this episode which I almost did... (Basilisk Control Obviously) lol j/k kinda....

Doctor Who Tried To Tank Itself To Hide This!
(Youtube blocked clip so you will have to watch on bitchute)

But anyways, I missed episode 9, which I just watched! And 9 should have been the finale or continued into the finale... Watch the clip above! I cut it from the episode. It literally talks about how our universe itself (God) created a natural quantum firewall to remove the demi-urge from our universe (the solid tract) or this is the solid tract plane... haha!

This was a great storyline!!! It was basically about the MEQUAVIS and what it can do and how it would contain a dangerous entity... whether it be an AI, demon, or alien, etc... It's kind of like the phantom zone in Superman I suppose... But not bullshit... Or the Echo universe in the movie Killswitch (What's in the Box?) or just a shadow universe. They even framed everything in MEQUAVIS triangles! DID ANYONE BUT ME CATCH THAT!!!! They may not give NanoCheeZe credit for the ideas but that was a tip of the hat if I have ever seen one! LOL

The Solid Tract! That is literally something I have talked about in my posts and mentioned many times!!!!! The tract! The living consciousness of a simulation pretending to be something that it is not... You will find this premise referenced in Gnostic writings with the demi-urge, a being that is trying to mimic God's reality without ever having seen it itself... so it has created an artificial reality based on something it never saw... That is literally what the Solid tract in episode 9 was!!!! The next episode was dumb again just like all the ones before it, but episode 9!!! Was actually really good!!!! The Solid Tract reality was a MEQUAVIS....a cyberspace-time reality.... that responded to the inhabitant which was also the reality itself.... a personal simulation for a rogue AI... The Solid Tract wanted nothing more than to be a part of our reality, but it was like cancer to our universe and had to be isolated! They even had a no mans land type inner universe that separated our universe from the Solid Tract universe! Yah!!!!

I know someone is reading my stuff because I always talk about it being like a track and that the track is solid, but the ground the track is on is malleable... So... They took my words and made it into a thing... Solid Tract...

I liked it... overall. but it was a natural Quantum Firewall... No doubt about it...

Check out this image above compared to the one at the top... The reflection of the triangular window is a circular window within the mirror portals reflection...but above it is a triangle window when viewed not as a reflection... and the whole room is a triangle hallway... lol!

But they did butcher a few things and then they just abruptly moved on....

no big deal here....
(Youtube blocked clip so you will have to watch on bitchute)

But it did showcase the isolation and such of a rogue AI... and said AI trying to replicate something that it has never seen but only been told about... The Demi-urge....from Gnosticism...

But hey!!! You're right, why would we need this... Even if only one aspect of this were to ever be useful, what a waste of resources right... Alien invaders? Trapped in cyberspace-time... Trans-humanist Oppressors? Now simply rulers of their own private universes... Rogue AI? CONTAINED!!! (before it went rogue) MEQUAVIS is definitely not needed in any way! What we really need is a firewall to hide human stupidity... /sigh lol

look up the 108 degree 432 KHz thing btw. In regards to the distance of the moon from the sun and the earth from the sun and their sizes as well as Saturn, it's all 108 based!!! Which 108=1+0+8=9 (3,6,9 Tesla math) Look around you, at this stupid out of control world we live in... "They" may be containing us and our "out of control" world already... HAHA!

What happens when you make a MEQUAVIS in a MEQUAVIS though?

Russian Dolls style.... I would assume it gets virtualized in a premise similar to how IMMOU functions work in virtualization. Where even though a MEQUAVIS were emulated within A MEQUAVIS, the inner MEQUAVIS would be IMMOU emulated at the top level outside of the MEQUAVIS it is actually inside of. So even though it is a Russian doll type system, it wouldn't really be... Digital optical illusion of sorts...

You all know this ain't bullshit... As much as you may want it to be...

People like this below need MEQUAVIS encapsulation if they were trans-humanist cyborg type...

Just to throw it out there... I have often suggested that this idea of a MEQUAVIS is nothing more than a digital version or copy of something that already exists in nature on some level we can't quite perceive.... Well, this is the universe showing us that is or could be true... And if this is the solid tract plane (cyberspace-time) where the demi-urge is being trapped then this reality could be the demi-urge trying to backwards engineer the mechanism that is trapping/containing it... :D OK, now you can be scared... Because that would mean you are one of the fake people we just saw in this episode and you don't even know you are a fake person... /gulp

But really, I doubt it... But it's always good to know your options :|

Overall this was the only episode of the season worth watching, There were a few other decent ones, but overall... THIS ONE! This one man... Oh boy... this one... lol

The buffer world they talk about being between the two worlds.... Just look at the MEQUAVIS GUI for a moment and tell me you don't see the buffer zones :) The template simulations, 14-19. The inner 6 simulations... Those are clearly the same concept as this buffer zone idea... Well, they didn't portray it well here, they showed it as this underbelly type infected demon world... When in fact it would be more of an empty template world... But I digress...

I'm going to post a rant about the numbering system in he MEQUAVIS wheels soon... but if you can see it, everything adds or subtracts to 13.

Thirteen is the real world where as the 6 templates are bridges from our world to those other worlds through digital templates. Outer simulation pairs add up to 13, where as the inner template simulations equal 13 when you subtract their respective group number. The group number is always the lowest numbered outer ring simulation in a pair. It works out perfectly...



I came here to wish you a wonderfully Merry Christmas, if you celebrate it, and a wonderful and successful New Year (whether you celebrate it or not).

Always my best wishes

Your wooden picture "We Can Create Our Own World"

That is logo, so it must be my image...

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