Consciousness and creating it Artificially... Is the Multiverse a fundamental and needed component of conciousness??! I SAY YES!

in #nanocheeze5 years ago

What if intelligence in the brain is multidimensionally based and the smarter you are the more of yourselves exist in your local area of the multiverse versus really slow and dumb people who might have a much less ratio of existing as different selves in that same local region of the multiverse... ie. Geniuses are alive and well in many timelines. Morons are down to a single timeline or just a few at best :P Einstein would have been someone who beat the chaos odds and was simply alive in a majority of the local region of the multiverse... Basically it would almost translate into the better your natural innate survival instincts are, the smarter you will be simply because more of you will have survived in alternate timelines.... If you ever saw the movie "The One" with Jet LI, it would be an opposite of what they show in that movie with magic power. In that movie, they try to kill all their alternate selves so only one of them exists and then they gain all the magic power that would have been shared between all version of themselves. reverse that and apply it to brain power.... What if we are quantum computers with ourselves. Because this is literally how quantum computers work. technically speaking they are simply entangled with themselves across the multiverse.... and by echoing that pairing they can make them faster and faster and faster
. That's what the DWAVE2048 was... They finally paired 2048 entangled pairs.... it was 1024, and 512 before that, and 256, etc.... i think they even hit 4096 now or higher... I imagine our brains somehow work the same exact way... but we are likely entangled with several million or billion or even trillions/quadrillion versions of ourselves... Any version of this idea would be amazing if true! I tend to think this is how our brain ultimately works, once they figure it out. They will realize ok, now what?, that can't possibly be producing this much compute power, but then multidimensionalize it like this, and boom. I think maybe so...??? Or I gotta stop watching TV and movies about the multiverse hahaha

It would also apply for brain injuries and such. So if you want to argue that side of. A damaged brain in this universe would not be able to properly entangle itself with the rest of the undamaged brains network in the multiverse... It would be like disconnecting from the grid to an extent or degree. So you would have a smaller pool of brain power only accessing other versions of yourself that had similar brain damage or just a smaller pool of that grid.

I think Quantum Computers is starting to take this concept out of the realm of science fiction and speculation into the realm of actually being able to be quantized and studied....

If our brains work on this level in any way and if any size of multiverse is real. even if it's finite. That would mean, that some version of you in this system is always asleep and dreaming. Which in essence means that your multidimensional self has a separate self that doesn't exist except for in the astral world.... you would literally have an astral self that was existent virtually in this multidimensional dream world.... I suspect that is where our dreams stem from... so we living a single life would connect to that astral self in succession with other selves in a type of revolving bridge not too dis-similar from what I show in my spinning MEQUAVIS wheels...

your life affects your others in ways you can't imagine.... It's also a good blueprint for figuring out how to create AI in layers of VR like I babel about as well. it's kinda what my MEQUAVIS idea is based on.... layers of iterations of the same AI being synchronized that can poll/talk to it's other selves in other layers and such...Imagine if you had a VR interface that was networked with a quantum computer that could actually realtime allow access to your other selves and what they know.... That's the type of concept I want to deploy in the MEQUAVIS someday for AI development.... I've just come to realize that some of my AI ideas and such actually apply to real life and the real world in ways I use to think were scifi or imaginative thinking, but I'm thinking they are not anymore, and that the world was simply created with similar premises and concepts, intelligently.... lol

Makes me wonder if I haven't just somehow cued in on this type of function somehow observing my own life and mind and environment, basically mimicked it... I kind of think that is what I have done, and put a heavy skin over it... and applied it abstractly to computer science... but my point being, this has bigger ramifications than I ever dreamed if we can integrate ourselves with AI and then become our own multidimensional self instead of this scary trans-humanist robot cyborg people are scared of. lol.... wooo huh...

A friend on FB replied to this post there with this:
I like this idea. I've always thought it's prudent to live your life in such away that you optimize for ALL possible bifurcating paths and selves. To improve your and "the" reality across different possible time lines, instead of stupidly and selfishly only thinking about yours.

Now apply that thinking to AI!

I have another friend on FB that is researching consciousness and he thinks this quantum idea is way wrong and thinks the brain runs on radio transmitters and such. Which I think it's a combination of the two...

Here's a good video about the topic... Just for thinking about it...


I am thinking about the similar things related to entanglement since a few days. What you write about our brains being entangled through a multiverse of different versions of ourselves is provoking and engaging a very specific area of my imagination. In cultures abstinence was probably practiced to not contaminate this connection?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Have you watched a show on Netflix yet called the OA? Season 2 just came out last week and actually digs really really deep into some of these topics. I don't rant about it too much these days because most people don't get it and I have no reference point to cite for people to clue in... But The OA did a very very good job of explaining some of these concepts in a scifi of course way.... If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you watch it... Especially the final episode of season 2. Not to spoiler here, but they literally do what I say to do in the MEQUAVIS when it comes to connect virtual reality with reality :) and layers to layers through absrtacions and never ending story type linking where one reality is just another realities story, which is another realities story, or a book there, or a movie there, and vice versa, like the movie last action hero.... where the movie world is a real world beyond the screen. Or in Stay Tuned where TV land was a real place, in hell. lol....

I never watched OA. I have to watch it. I went to india in 1999 and some old swami saddhu type guy tried to explain me quantum entanglement. That everything is being instantly connected and that that feeling of completion in the presence is the awakening of consciousness. I remember being young and totally didn’t get what he meant. Right now i wonder if my other self had done things differently? The question arises when my other self did.

Posted using Partiko iOS

With the dead cat experiment, explained in the video, it seems to me they are overlooking an important observer; namely the cat. 😎

the whole cat thing in the box is an analogy, the box is macroscopic so it fails there in the first place. It's just an abstraction for quantum particles.... But. if it did apply to the cat for real. You could argue that the cat isn't truly conscious.... might be close or on it's way, but not actually conscious.... on our level, so it may not cause that wavefunction collapse. Honestly, I guess I don't know of any studies on this... Where an animal was the observer, and how would a human looking at the results of the results of the animals observations effect the collapse of the wave function??? lol...

But you could also look at the cat as being the entire human race and earth as being the metaphorical box.... :P what then.... whos the observer... lol

I think they are watching true our eyes haha

Posted using Partiko Android

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