in #namibia7 years ago


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North-east of Swakopmund is the stark grandeur of The Spitzkoppe (sharp head), one of Namibia's most recognizable landmarks. It is located in the Namib Desert, between Swakopmund and Usakos, which is also the nearest town (approximately 50km away). The summit of this imposing granite rock formation (1,728m) was first scaled only in 1946, and its shape has inspired its nickname, The Matterhorn of Africa. But similarities between Namibia's granite inselberg and the glaciated Swiss Alp, begin and end with its sharp peak. A minor peak – the Little Spitzkoppe – lies nearby at an elevation of 1,584m above sea level.

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Bushmen/San Art

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Unfortunately, the large depository of San art has largely been vandalized, hence The Spitzkoppe is currently a protected MET conservation area, a necessary mandate to save the mountain from increased tourism and abuse.


There are quite a few specimens of San art


There are beautiful camp sites


Activities at Spitzkoppe

The Spitzkoppe is ideal for hikers and climbers of all levels. There are slopes simple enough for beginners, and rock faces that are challenging for professionals.

Climbing this mountain in the early part of the last century, presented formidable challenges due to its isolation, the heat and total lack of water. But it is not as difficult for today’s climbers with modern technical equipment.

• Hiking & Walking Trails: There are 3 walking routes available and all groups need to be done with a guide in groups not exceeding 10 people.
(i) Pontok Route:
Takes 4 hours. You need to be fit to walk this route that takes you to a look-out point on the top of Spitzkoppe.
(ii) Matterhorn Route:
Takes 6-8 hours. Exposed scrambling for experienced and very fit hikers, no climbing gear involved. The steep and exposed hike reaches a high viewpoint not far from the summit.
(iii) Bushman Circle Route:
Takes 7 hours. You need to be fairly fit for this walk that includes a chain climb up a steep slope followed by a flat walking surface with sand and rock.


• Stargazing: Although the sunsets are spectacular around Spitzkoppe, this is a place where people come for the stars. Because of its distance from any human habitation, there is no light pollution or air pollution, which means that the night sky is a wonder to behold. The constellations are crowded by millions of other stars which are normally invisible even from small towns.

The dry winter months of June to September are particularly good for stargazing because there are no clouds and the crisp air makes viewing clearer. Was this how those early rock art painters saw the Namibian sky so many thousands of years ago? Make sure you bring your own equipment and some details of the night sky although constellation maps may be available at the various camps sites.


• Climbing: Since the Western face was first climbed in 1946, The Spitzkoppe has drawn raves reviews from climbers. Beside the Spitzkoppe rise the equally impressive Pontoks, which are comprised of enormous granite domes.

Camping spots are clean and safe. It's worth spending 3 or 4 days there! Bouldering opportunities are also abundant in this area.

The best climbing is in the winter months (June, July, and August) are recommended if you want to do real climbing. During the summer months it is not advisable to climb the Spitzkoppe due to the unbearable heat.

There are some real nice rock formations.


• Bird Spotting: The habitat around the Spitzkoppe is made up primarily of scattered acacia scrub, you will see the sociable weaver birds build tenement style nests that are occupied for up to a century. The following are some of the bird species to be seen: Herero Chat, Rüppell's Bustard, White-tailed Shrike, Yellow-bellied Eremomela, Rosy Faced Lovebird, Peregrine Falcon, Black-chested Snake-Eagle and Stark's Lark.



Check out the THUMB on the right.

. This Spitzkoppe area is not for those who want lush forests. But if you are a camper, climber, a geologist, a hiker, a bird spotter or a stargazer, Spitzkoppe is like heaven on earth. The sheer diversity of these landscapes are breath-taking and the history of the place and the night sky will stretch your mind.

All Photos are my own.
Info found on the Namibia Travel site

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