Nakamoto’s Den: Taking a look at some of the conference’s topics | Part 1

in #nakamotosden5 years ago (edited)



Yesterday I started to write a series of articles about Nakamoto’s Den, and so far I have managed to share some general information about this blockchain related event.

Let’s not forget this conference is going to be held in Carob Mill Venue, Limassol, Cyprus, starting on February 19 and ending the next day, February 20.

In today’s article is going to be about the topics that are going to be discussed, there are a lot of talks, so I will only add those that I think are the most interesting ones.

Conference topics

This conference is certainly one of the most ambitious ones when it comes to blockchain related events, and given the fact there are a lot of participants, the agenda is absolutely full for the entire 2 days.

The first talk will simply consist in the current state of blockchain technology in the country where this even is going to be held, Cyprus, and even though it is a small country, it would be wise to be one of the early adopters of this technology because this might give them a competitive edge that most other countries won’t have. So basically this talk is just to inform the attendants how is the country doing regarding their involvement with blockchain based platforms, this is a very short talk that will just last around 10 minutes.

Once the first talk is finished, the next one will cover a more significant topic because it will be about the European Union regulation of crypto assets, this is an extremely important topic because regulation will condition whether this technology is quickly embraced by the member states, or if it ends up being kind of rejected by restrictive laws. Either way, being informed about the current state of affairs is crucial because based on that, the people involved in this industry can then plan their next steps. Regarding regulation, it is my belief that sooner or later the entire world will have fair laws that would allow blockchain platforms to be operated while also doing everything possible to prevent abuses and scams, which as we all know, is the problem that makes people ask for stricter regulations.

Later on, Vit Jedlicka from Liberland is going to do a presentation about his project. Liberland is a micronation in Europe whose area in total is just 7 sq km (2.7 sq mi) and they have completely embraced blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, important aspects such as their legal system and the currency use said technologies, and its popularity is increasing as more and more people get interested in living their life this way.


Once Vit Jedlicka finishes his talk, the next 2 are going to be very similar to what has already been discussed, there are going to be 10 minutes to discuss regulation of a network that has nodes all over the planet, and then another 10 minutes to discuss the Liechtenstein Blockchain Act, which is another small country that also embraced blockchain technology, although unlike Liberland, Liechtenstein doesn’t have anything threatening its own existence.

The next 45 minutes are going to be spent with some experts of the field like Alex Geralis and Theodore Krintas, where they are going to explain some of the most important principles to successfully invest in digital assets, especially those that are based on blockchain technology.

Having people with a lot of experience and understanding about the industry sharing their knowledge, is something undoubtedly valuable for those that are planning to get involved with this type of projects, because said knowledge can help them avoid rookie mistakes. The volatility of cryptocurrencies can easily cause heave losses and taking the necessary measures to avoid them should be one of the first steps for any person that is first discovering this industry.

In the following article, we are going to continue this exploration about the topics that are going to be discussed in Nakamoto’s Den.

More information about this event can be found in the following links:


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The information contained within this post shall not be taken as a financial advice. I am not a financial advisor and none of your investment decisions should be carried out based on any information presented here. You can lose all of your money by investing. The information presented in this article is for educational and entertainment purposes only.


We need more such talks going on around the world. Regulations can catch up later but we need more adoption and innovation.

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but we need more adoption and innovation

Agree, right now I think adoption is the most important thing for the future of this technology.

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