
Hey Styx would you consider using these Steemit posts as a way to supplement your videos? Like if you had some extra opinions or if you wanted to elaborate on something you could do that here in a mini blog format.. just something a little extra and it would be exclusive to Steemit as a little incentive for people to interact with this platform.

Anyways, just an idea.

It may also be that with the current trade negotiations between US & China, if they fall apart, the US needs a lower labor priced trading partner that it can trust, and the most logical candidate would be Mexico. Whereas all the crap in Walmarts have "Made in China" on their labels, they could have "Made in Mexico" and the US would be just fine with that. As for Mexicans, I'm still trying to work out what the "renegotiating" part of this means. I heard that they want some provision that forces Mexican auto workers to get at least a US $15 per hour labor rate, but I can't see that happening. Who knows - I just like going to Mexico and eating Tacos. Please don't take that away :)

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