My Weekend in Pictures


Photo on 91519 at 9.18 AM.jpg



(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

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A cool way to highlight your weekend Love the photo of the kitty on your shoulders :)

Have a good week ahead

I like the mood of the first photo.

Better than a monkey on your back.

That leaves a lot of room for imagination! And I like the walking/running path :) Maybe you can try to draw a cat with your running path next time... :P

That's an awesome idea! I'll need to definitely try to plan out a route. If not a cat, some other design. Maybe pac-man!

lol! Looks like you had a good ride and that's a classic photo with the cat! lol..what is the bottom photo of?

That cat has done that since she was a kitten. It was much more fun back then! Now she weighs about half a dog (that's a new unit of measurement I guess) and it's not quite so cute.

The ladybug in the right of that bottom picture is a magnet that one of my boys made. The left is a pen holder that I made. I'm constantly searching for a pen in the kitchen, so I ended up cutting up a branch that had fallen in the back yard, sliced off the back so its flat and put a magnet on it, then drilled a hole down the middle. Boom! Fridge pen holder. the googly eyes were for fun.

lol! your stuff is so funny..."half a dog" and making pen holders. Did anyone else ask what in the world those things were? lol. It makes for a great picture on the post.

LOL! No, I'm not sure anyone has ever asked what any of my weekend pictures are. Definitely a first!

Oh I'm finally the first one for something, yay me! lol. Well I think they're great and they make me curious.

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