My Twisted World ( Design project) - Hypnosis.

You are listening to the sound of my voice and only the sound of my voice. Your eyelids are getting heavier and you start to dive in this imaginary world.

This world of a thousand twist where reality mixes with the imaginary. You are right there, on you own and lost! Ready to explore the power of your creative imagination.


- In today's day and age, reaching the other side of our world is a clic away. Flying high above the clouds, gliding to places of choice or unknown territories, exploring this blue sphere that's floating in space we call earth only to seek what we like to think as better places than the one we know.

Travel has become a normality, a way of escaping from our everyday life and problems to live the dream!

What's the difference between dreams and reality?
Where is the borderline? And while being lost in my imagination, am I asleep or wide awake?

You are yet to understand traveling does not require you to hold a boarding pass to a far destination. Not everyone have the chance to do so and while some pretend to live their dreams others dream their lives! Sometimes the best escape does not cost a penny!

You can actually escape anywhere you want to!

Your mind have the power to do so, creating imaginary places of yours in which you can loose yourself.

My Twisted World is a one way ticket to dive deep in your imagination, to places you kept secret where no visas are required, the borders you will find are only the one you fix to yourself. It is an invitation to travel within your thoughts and explore destinations that belong to you and only yourself.

Have you ever find yourself laying on the grass, looking straight up to the sky, associating the shapes of the clouds to animals or else till the clouds does not look like anything anymore? If so, have you ever asked yourself and wondered if in this moment, the clouds did not look like anything anymore or if somehow you just reached the limits and boundaries of your imagination?

Open your eyes and be curious, let your mind transport you and see where it will take you ... You are wide awake and alive... inspire yourself!

follow the story, look for #mytwistedworld

Thank you for scrolling through my stories I hope you enjoyed it. Please upvote, feel free to drop me a line and tell me what you think.

You can access my other posts on Steemit @vinceboisgard.

All photographs and creations are my own work and property ©vinceboisgard except when mentioned.  Discover more, check out my own world and universe through my portfolio here


Love it! Very Hypnotic! I've never actually tried making a little world but seeing all of yours does make me want to give it a go!

I should try, it's fun! It can be complicated sometimes to do it right but it still very amusing.

I will! Although my list of Steemit related projects grows by the day!

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