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RE: [Original Novel] Ragnarok Conspiracy; Holocene Past (Part Five Chapter Two)

in #mythpunk6 years ago

OK, let's talk about ellipses in general, because I'm seeing a consistent problem here and I don't want to flag every one.

You seem to be choosing when to use them properly, to indicate that a speaker is leaving space within or at the end of a sentence. That's good! A lot of people have problems with this. But you have a problem with representing them correctly. Which happily is much easier to fix.

There are two sorts of ellipses in English, which mean the same thing but are used differently depending on where they are in the sentence. In the middle of the sentence you simply use three periods directly following a word, then a space, then the next word. I'm beginning this sentence... and then I'm taking a while to finish it.

At the end of a sentence, it's the same, except that you use a fourth period to indicate that the sentence is complete. I had an example here somewhere....

In no case should you combine an ellipsis with another punctuation mark, as the ? in the first chapter or the comma in paragraph 2 above. Also, don't use a space before the ellipsis. It follows the word directly.

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