Mythology & Religion - a few thoughts

in #mythology6 years ago (edited)


I love art, science, mathematics, the universe, the extraordinary, ancient lost cultures, and I love mythology that ancient cultures possessed.

Before today's most common monotheistic religions existed, man believed in the sun, the stars, spirits, demons, and had various gods. Every culture today has its own ancient mythology. Today these mythologies live only in books and are almost forgotten legends. Many mythologies of the different cultures often even resemble each other or have similarities. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that there is more to mythologies and legends than one thinks.

I'm talking about the beginnings of humanity, when man moved across steppes in tribes. Thousands of years back. Or the ancient mythologies of the Greek, the Scandinavian, the Germanic, the natives of america, middle Asia, Indian etc.

As an example, Native Americans have symbols that are also used by Natives from Australia. They even have the same meanings. The same can be found in words. Natives of South America have a linguistic affinity with tribes from the Ural and Altai areas in Russia. How does this come about? This kinship, which is overflowing continents? Kilometers and miles away people used similar or the same words, symbols and had also partly the same rituals and traditions.

What connected them all? Was there a primeval culture from where everything spread? But one wonders again how these primeval men, who had hardly developed real shipping, could cross the oceans? In the best case these former humans had been fishing and had small boats.

Science can't really explain it. There are many approaches and theories, but they are only theories and attempts at explanation. In reality nobody knows how to explain it. It is since years an unanswered question and it remains a mystery.

If one grows up with the religions of today and is not open for new things, then the whole, what was before the religions, will not interest one any further or will not notice it at all - the person will not ask what was before. Because religion says that the earth and everything that exists is only 6000 years old. Is that really true?

I for myself believe in a God. To no god who sits on top of a cloud and watches us humans on earth. No, for me there is no person or entity. For me God is the life, the energy, the spirit, the universe, all this together, all this working indescribably.

If you ask a religious person about God today, his religion will be equated with God. One will very quickly realize that his religion has been burned into his brain for years. So you can't accuse this person for believing in a religion and because he is hardly holding on his believes.

Religions also set boundaries. They forbid you to explore the unknown. Everything that religions do not understand, they set with the devil equal. Anything that does not fit into the world view of religions is demonized and propagated as evil.

This also happened to all things that existed before the religions. Religions destroyed whole cultures, only so that one religion could prevail. Tradition and knowledge were thereby lost. As an example one can take the library of Alexadria in the old Egypt. The knowledge of the old world was burned and destroyed because of religious intentions. Or a few years ago fanatical Islamists in northern Iraq and Syria destroyed ancient Sumerian and Babylonian palaces and temples and all the konwlegde in it, because they thought it was evil.

There are countless such deeds.... unfortunately...

Just as the religions in the Middle Ages called science and medicine as magic and so as devil's work. People were hunted, burned and hanged.

And so people were forced to believe in a religion. Whoever believed in something else was either an outsider or was executed. This happened with the Christian Crusades and Islamization in the Middle East. Before that people were free in their believes and free in their doing.

I definitely don't want to attack anybody in his believes and religions and i definaly dont want to attack any religion. Please dont misunderstand me. At the core all religions preach love and peace. But unfortunately it is exploited for the bad. This things happened in the past and happen still today, in a time where we think we are civilized. Nothing has changed...

And of course, before the religions exists and ruled the world, people were also hunted because they didn't believe in the sun god or moon god and there were human sacrifices etc.. I don't want to speak the one well and the other badly. I just want to show that people are only free when they are free in their believes.

Today more people believe in religions. In former times it was different. Earlier people believed in different things, in spirits, in demons, in the sun and they were free. Free in their minds. They could think about everything. They were more open to things, that they didnt know.

And perhaps they had knowledge from a past world that we now regard as fairy tales.

But what if these stories and legends are not inventions at all, but became partly mythological? What if all these stories have a core of truth?



The only religions working to destroy others are Abrahamic religions. That's why we know little of our native religions today. Sad, but I think people are beginning to return to their native religions as they should.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's not a hard sell to say that this day and age the world has a bad taste in it's mouth often because of self-righteous false religion that has obscured biblical truth.

Matthew 7:14-21 KJVS
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. [15] Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. [16] Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? [17] Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. [18] A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. [19] Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. [20] Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. [21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

What is doing the will of the Father?

John 6:39-40 KJVS
And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. [40] And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

It's not a moral checklist like false religion would have you believe. The truth is the gospel, Christ alone and His death alone being our soul plea before the faith Father. It's not about performance. If it were, we would be toast.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

Posted using Partiko Android

All I hear is a slave handbook from the middle east. Okay, there is historical value to the Bible and some nice messages, but..... I'm European, my family has been European for 100,000 years now some desert religion is going to come and tell me about false prophets. 😂😂😂 My traditions and my ancestors are my pride. I suggest you do a little research and find out how your own family was converted into Christianity. Then look at what Islam is doing today. And because it's illegal for me to do so in Germany I won't mention the third Abrahamic religion.

My family is not Christian. Unfortunately, God has not opened their eyes yet well spare one brother of mine.

Islam is an oppressive works righteousness religion much like run-of-the-mill evangelicalism. The Jewish faith is also based on works. That's the difference between false religion and gospel truth.

"For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Genesis 3:5 KJV

They all believe that same lie from the serpent. Our flesh is incorrigible evil. That is why it required death for the debt to be paid. We cannot pay that debt, my friend.

Not now. Not ever.

Similarities in languages or religion (in the broadest sense) are not coincidental. We do indeed all origin from the same "tribe". Also, some shared myth are likely based on true occurences, so traumatic for the people then, that it stuck in the memory of the people and was passed on in tales for thousands of years. For example the great flood, which is part of the mythology all over the world. There is strong evidence that such floods happened at the end of the last ice age.
With other common myth its less clear what sparked them. One interesting example is that of the "dragons". It also appears in several unrelated cultures, in Europe, Asia and Australia. What actually caused it is not clear. Some dinosaurs would fit the image of a dragon quiet well, but for all we know, no human - and not even a distant relative of a human - lived so long ago that they would have seen living dinosaurs.
But they possibly found dinosaur fossils and made conclusions on what kind of animal this must have been.
Its all hard to say, since we have only half way decent records of the human history since the ancient Egypt, and even that is limited to the mediteranean region. But the real interesting period, the early hours of mankind, will remain mostly in the dark, I guess. Unless we discover time travel... :)

all religions deliver the message of peace and good deeds. but with the passage of time most of the religions are fall in a victim of people and get changed in many ways.people interferes in the divine scriptures which has nothing to do with that religion. but I believe religion is for the good for humanity. but some extremists are exploiting it without even knowing the real teachings of the religions.

Religions today are more on the commercial side. Money is indeed involve. The more monies coming in, the more devilish the belief becomes. Its a scary business.

I think it is interesting that demons were once named daemons in Latin. The word is said to have meant "guiding spirits" or "lesser gods." But we know that daemons are a feature in terms of computing also.

daemon: a background process that handles requests for services such as print spooling and file transfers, and is dormant when not required.

It's interesting to think that the old gods, many of which have been branded as demons by Christianity and told are something to stay away from, may in fact be tools created, by God or by men, to aid us in our journey of life.

I know that the majority consider these spirits/gods to be simply a fiction. But there is no doubt to be me that those who go seeking for them, do fin them. Many modern magicians practice spirit evocation and invocation, though a lot of them express the belief that in doing so they are accessing a part of their own subconscious more so than an external spirit.

I do not know the truth of the matter. But, my thoughts are that in ancient times, with less distractions and more open minds, the veil between man and gods was likely thinner. If people were learning their languages from something that dwells within, then it would explain why the same symbols show up all over the world.

Hola oendertuerk, bueno tu articulo, quisiera dar unas opiniones con respecto a lo que has dichos, desde mi poco conocimiento con respecto al tema. El hombre de tiempos inmemoriales ha tenido una inclinacion hacia lo divino y por eso las culturas antiguas se manifestaban hacia lo divino, adorando el sol, la luna ect.
La palabra religion viene de la palabra religar, que significa union, al union del hombre con su Dios, con su deidad.
Segun la religion cristiana Dios se hizo hombre, no quizo estar ajeno a la vida del hombre sino que quizo vivir la vida de ese hombre, para hablarle de tu a tu, para mostrarle el camino, y fue la mejor manera porque sino se hubiera quedado en un Dios lejano que no termina de comprender nuestra vida. Y eso es lo maravilloso del cristianismo que Dios vivo nuestra vida, nacio, de una manera extraordinaria, de una mujer, tuvo familia, se gano el pan con sus manos, con su trabajo, tuvo amigos, jugo, amo a su familia, a su gente y murio, no quizo estar excento de eso, para que nosotros no nos aterrara eso, sino que lo vieramos como un paso hacia ese Dios. Vivio todo lo que vivimos menos el pecado, porque era Dios.
El nucleo de verdad de todas las religiones es que existe un ser superior, creador de todo lo creado, el principio y fin, el motor inmovil, como decen los filosofos...

It is indeed a very intriguing subject. As you've already said, there are many similarities between religions all around the globe. I don't know whether you're familiar with Mircea Eliade, a Religion Historian, but he's made a point that one of the first manifestations of the sacred is within Shamanism.

Also, some of the theories concerning how the population got to spread around the globe is centered around the ice bands that formed over the oceans during the glaciary.

we must be realistic because mythological things dont have any base

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