Atlantis Conclusion

in #myth7 years ago

Hello Steemian friends, today I present a conclusion about Atlantis after our armchair analysis of the archaeological facts and it is hoped you enjoy it.

Conclusion 1
A goal for scoring in a stadium where a game like basketball was played.

In Conclusion:
Conclusion 2
That Atlantis was the North and South American Continents is obvious. Atlantis was on the west side of the Atlantic Ocean. That being said, unless someone finds a plaque that says in ancient Greek, “Welcome to Atlantis,” the proofs of the facts are lost in history and obliterated in the passages of time.

Conclusion 3

The probability that a different name was used to describe Atlantis on the eastern side of the Atlantic is much like the use of the name “Mu” in Asia to describe a civilization off to the east, across the Pacific. Again, unless a map is found that can be believed to be somewhat identifiable of the North and South American continents in say Tibet, China, or India the past has obliterated the truth of the name of what was here in the myths and legends of other ancient cultures.

Again, the name Atlantis or Mu could be an aggregate name of what was here and not representative of whether or not there was more than one country in Atlantis.

Conclusion 4

We examined twelve areas of the archaeological investigations and found that for certain, the Mayans had a society of very high technology. No one should belittle the Inca or Aztec for the level of technology they developed. That the Aztecs were cannibals is well known and documented. Their practices were the cause of their destruction in the end.

Atlantis - Was It Here?
Atlantis - Geoglyphs
Atlantis - Found Tools
Atlantis - Animal Husbandry
Atlantis - Agriculture
Atlantis - Architectural Ruins - Aztecs
Atlantis - Architectural Ruins -Mayans
Atlantis - Architectural Ruins - Inca
Atlantis - Monument Ruins
Atlantis - Navajo Anasazi Legends
Atlantis - Petroglyphs
Atlantis - Miscellaneous
Atlantis - Destruction

Our studies and examinations of archaeological finds showed that much is left out of many contemporary theories of the social sciences and humanities. These facts are not taught in school.

Conclusion 5

Many contemporary theories about human development, human evolution, and social evolution were made before any of the knowledge of these ancient civilizations on the North and South American Continents was known. After the knowledge of these societies began to be known, the inclusion of the new data of the Maya, Inca, Aztec, and Anasazi was quietly left out or completely ignored.

Even though we are armchair archaeologists, analyzing the data using the internet we seek and hold by the truth that we can conclude. That is science. In our pursuit of what is the truth of our past as human beings, thanks to a lot of hard work by previous scientists we know many things.

Conclusion 6

We know by what they left behind that the ancients had vast knowledge of the sciences and a system of education and higher education. We know that they had a devout belief in the afterlife, spirits, and Gods. They believed and had evidence of the soul and they had to make tough choices as their populations grew along with their knowledge.

It is obvious that civilization is cyclical rather than linear. The cause of the cyclical nature of civilization is the dynamic nature of the universe in which we live and the planet on which we live. There are threats to life and civilization.

Conclusion 6

One of the threats is war. Yet most of the threats are due to disease, famine, pestilence, and natural disasters and the inability to find a solution to the threats that occur.

We see that the Mayans suffered volcanoes. A meteorite struck Arizona and made a big crater and explosion. We see that part of their empire was built in an area where for most of geological history there was a lake the size of the great lakes. They built when it dried up, like now, and they disappeared when it became a lake again, Nevada and Utah. What they built was under water for a very long time.

Conclusion 8

Because we are scientists, there is no way to develop a hypothesis to test our theory on which to perform repeatable experiments. All we can do is find relics, remnants, and ruins to compare them with what we know. Theory remains theory no matter how probable the theory is.

We can only rely on the work of the scientists who uncover the facts but are free to come to our own conclusions. For example, people with these skills and this much knowledge of the hard sciences, this innovative in agriculture could have made kites for aerial observation or even balloons. They could have built great dams and for the longest time, they could have completely overcome poverty. The cult of death had very negative, unjust impacts on their society and became pervasive.

Conclusion 9

These things are certain. They knew how to cut diorite. They knew how to fashion tools from copper and harden the copper. They knew how to build roads. They left behind temple and stadium complexes. They left behind tombs to preserve aspects of their lives for memory and roads. They made petroglyphs and geoglyphs of very intricate designs. They were very artistic. They studied high mathematics and astronomy. They had methods for transporting titanic sized stone and everything else. They built complexes at high altitudes in the harshest environments and inhabited the buildings. They made predictions about the future that were both right and wrong.

Conclusion 10

That they did what they did is hopeful of what we face on this planet in this day of weapons of mass destruction because humanity and nature is still here. They must have killed off all the species and all of nature grew back.

They faced floods, fires, tornadoes, disease, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, meteorite strikes, the wrath of the Gods for evil – horrible wars, the unknown, the collapse and destruction of civilization and civilization is back. Humanity and life on this planet will survive for a long time to come. That is indeed hopeful and is something in which to have faith - life triumphs over death.

Conclusion 11

We cannot say for certain this was Atlantis but the facts are certainly worth our examination. Sometimes it is nice to admit we do not know something, that there might be things we never will know with absolute certainty. It is nice to think that fate and destiny might have an escape from inevitable destruction and that if destruction occurs we can rebuild, rebirth, and live again.

Conclusion 12

My friends at Steemit, thank you for reading these posts and I hope it was enjoyable enough to upvote and resteem them. I also hope that you have come to the inevitable conclusion: the words myth and legend have been abused. It seems that we witness the uncovering of the myths and the source of the revelation of legends every single day.

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    Conclusion 13


Thank you for your comment dear friend @riskdebonair

Good article...I am resteeming it on my blog. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the resteem my dear friend @mymoontao and I appreciate your recognition of my work

You are welcome!

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