Atlantis - Architectural Ruins - Inca

in #myth7 years ago (edited)

Hello my Steemit Friends today we take a look at some of the Inca Ruins of the Architecture they left behind in our search to ask the question: Was Atlantis on the west side of the Atlantic Ocean? This is just to tickle our brains for a while as we evaluate the evidence as armchair archaeologists. We are going to have some fun and ask questions, questions, questions.

Machu Pichu - Inca Ruins - Peru
Inca Ruins 1

We start with a look at the Inca site of Machu Pichu. First it is so very high up in elevation and of such huge size that the first question asks: how were supplies brought to this place and why was it built? Was it here because of the Great flood of Noah?

This is a place where everything needed to be brought up by transport or made on site. Those are the only two real options. If all the supplies just for building this place were carried up on people's back it would have been a long, slow trek by a very long train of humans.

Ecuador - Inca Ruins
Inca Ruins 2

From Ecuador to Peru, this is a very large area for a civilization. Somehow they needed to communicate over the very long distances. There were no horses but there were Llamas. That much we know for certain but is it likely Llamas we used?

Ollantaytambo - Pre-Incan Ruins
Inca Ruins 3

We know the Inca must have hauled up the wood for the roofs of this place. Whatever their roofing materials, like at Machu Pichu it looks to be far above the tree line. If timber was used for the roofs of these structures those are very long spans and the snow was designed to fall off as it fell and so the roofs are so steep. Sometimes the snow does not fall off. At places of these elevations where it is always cold, what was the heat source? Whatever the heat source, it had to be brought in to keep these places warm enough for people to live. Maybe at one time there was some sort of heat from the Earth.

Samaipata - Inca Ruins - Bolivia
Inca Ruins 4

This is a very large ruin of huge scope. Much planning would be required to conceive and build something like this.

Pisac - Inca Ruins
Inca Ruins 5

What do you suppose this was used for?

Cuzco-MachuPicchu - Inca ruins - Peru
Inca Ruin 6

The logistics to keep this place supplied for any staff would be horrendous and expensive. Did they use helium blimps to haul things in for whoever it was that lived in this vast complex?

The stones are said to be so tightly and perfectly cut that after thousands of years a credit card cannot be slid between them. Do you think they were cut by hand in a place this high in altitude that is so very cold?

Places like this just pull questions out of people like buckets of water hauled by rope up from a very deep well. I hope you enjoyed the speculation of the ancient architecture of the "New World". Something or most likely many things must have happened to end this civilization. Fortunately, people are still here and civilization advances so what the ancients did was provide hope for the future whether they knew they were providing hope for us all or not.

No matter what theory might come along that the end of the world is near. As we look at ancient ruins, we see that the human race will survive the calamities and that is a good thing. Please leave your comments about what you think and they will be added to the conclusion of whether or not this is the high technology, ancient home of Atlantis.

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Many Photographs of Inca Ruins

Image Sources:

  3. - Travelpod Member Pan_rory
  6. -

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Please upvote and Resteem. Yes, it is way outside the box in thought but who knows? Could the theory be true or some part of it true?


It is all just for fun but thanks for your comment my friend @everittdmickey and I hope you enjoy it

Oh I've got some ideas of my own on the subject. More like questions really Mankind is at LEAST a quarter million years old. Think on that for a little bit.

One time we were out in the field, which we always were training. We started to talk about UFO's because we saw one and they asked me who do you think is in there and I said, "Maybe it is humans returning from a deep space mission sent off long ago. I might write about why I think that might be true later after I put some more thought into it.

I don't know what you think about a statement like that but I sure would like to hear what your thoughts are on this subject because the evidence very much tilts a lot of things we are taught on their head, like when human migration to this continent actually happened.

Thanks for you comment my friend @everittdmickey

every time someone says UFO, with the implication that is extra terrestrial...I consider

what kind of prediction can you make about a group (of anything) from ONE data point?

The more we learn the more questions appear in front of our eyes that have no answers. We were heading east on I-10 in NM when over the border we saw a UFO for a long time in broad daylight. We took a bunch of pictures of it, which looked like a giant three tailed helicopter with no blades. All the pictures only showed a blob and I thought it might be that the spacecraft bent the light that the camera captured so the images did not appear to be what was actually there

The letters UFO mean Unidentified Flying Object. I'll agree that you saw something you could not identify. Beyond that it's all purest speculation.

Thanks, and yes I know what it means. It is not speculation though if at some point in time there were a bunch of witnesses that saw something far beyond the level of our technology here on earth and little green mean jumped out and said "HI!" (That did not happen with this one but it did happen later)

Again, such extraordinary structures...amazing!

They really are extremely complex and extraordinary, built with much skill that is lost my friend @natureofbeing.

Another great success dear friend @ jeff-kubitz, very interesting the post dear friend, the more I read of this culture, the more I am surprised and liked.
Thank you very much for sharing this information

My dear friend @jlufer I am glad you enjoy this it is a brain teaser isn't it? The left some very fabulous things to see didn't they?

You are very right, they are very interesting topics and to me this culture especially I really like

I love your stories. Looking forward for the next one ;)

Thank for your compliment my friend @margaretwise and I am so glad you liked it

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