Atlantis - Animal Husbandry

in #myth7 years ago (edited)

Hello my fellow Steemit friends today we examine the possibility that Atlantis was on the North and South American continents. People like to eat meat and so there must be a source for that meat but where could it have been?
North American buffalo
Again, this is purely speculation but as armchair archaeologists with the vast history of information gathered over a very long time by professionals, we can examine all the data and reach some startling conclusions. Your comments or theories are most welcome as the possibilities that present themselves and may change the course of thoughts on this theory.

In contemporary civilization, it is rare that the herding of animals is anywhere near the city. Out in the country and in rural areas is where animals are raised for food. In modern Americas, the centers of the rural country contain vast herds of beef and they are located in places that are just like where I live. Now if the people of Atlantis had herds of animals and shepherds or ranchers to raise those animals what would those animals look like?

Today we assume these to be wild animals and they might be but were they always wild animals? Did the American Indian tribes result from a collapse of civilization and continue to herd these animals?
deer –

Especially the nations of the eastern flatlands, the plains, and the western United States, considered to be hunter gatherers treated the animals like vast herds. The Souix, Apache, Nez Pierce, Paiute, Cherokee, and so many other nations followed the herds just like shepherds. And if civilization fell, if Atlantis fell, what if it were no longer possible to transport or ship the animals to the great cities of Mexico, Central, and South America?
pronghorn antelope

There is a hog farm with over 500,000 hogs just to the south over a vast area. What if civilization ended and the hogs broke loose?
Boar – North American

Is it preposterous to think that people and animals would not change to meet the circumstances?
It is known that at the time of the discovery of the Aztecs. Their main city which is now Mexico City, Mexico was the largest populated city in the world with 20 million inhabitants. They and their predecessors were cannibals. Could it be they were always cannibals or that it became impossible to get meat deliveries great enough to sustain the population?

Yes, the thought of a collapse of a great civilization is common in the themes of many movies today. Could it have happened back then? My most recent end of the world flick was “2012”. There are many out there, “The Day After Tomorrow”. Why not?
We do know that many ancient civilizations disappeared. Aztecs, Mayans, Incans, Ancient Romans, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Sumerians and on it goes back in time. Yet people are here and civilization is back at it once again.

Image Sources:

Pronghorn Antelope –

By FOTO-ARDEIDAS (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons], via Wikimedia Commonsg)

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Please upvote this post and please resteem. After all, science is about getting to the truth of the matter your comments and thoughts are welcome.


History is a big guess work, I try to look to the symbols in stones and getting something out of it.

Yes, thanks for your comment and observation my friend @schamngerbert in a few pieces I will get to that because it becomes obvious or is certainly something to talk about but the next piece on agriculture will blow your mind if you do not already know about what I will write about.

I am open minded and far away from knowing everything :) But if I do not know I have to find it out.

Very interesting dear friend @ jeff-kubitz, thank you very much for sharing all this information

I am so glad you find this interesting my dear friend @jlufer and it was good to hear you enjoyed the speculation

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