Filipino myth: Why do hawks eating little chicks?

in #myth7 years ago (edited)

Hello.✋today i will write and share this one of the most popular myth in the philippines titled' why do hawks seting up a little chicks?' i will start the story right after this picture.

a very long time ago big hawk and rooster were very good friends, they trusted each other and sharing secrets to each other, one day the rooster borrowing the ring from the big hawk, beacause hawk always rearing the ring on his tow 

you have a pretty ring can i borrow that i want to show it to my wife-said the rooster..

trustinf the care of the rin g to his the rooster then the bighawk remove the ring from his tow, and handled it to his friend, the hwak excused to look for food and the rooster wear the ring to his toe and went to his house to see his wife. the hen..

when the hen saw the ring she wanted to wear it, the rooster agreed to gave to his wife then she put it on her left toe then began to admire hoe pretty it looket on her toe.the hen asked the rooster if she can keep thr ring for one day coz she wants to shoe the ring to her friends, the rooster agreed beacause he didnt want to refuse his beatiful wife,. for unexpected reason the ring got lost, the pretty hen looked and search everywhere from it but she couldnt find it. the rooster looked everywhere but seemed the ring got lost forever..

when the big hawk got returned on the next day and knew that the ring was lost he got very angry and primanded the rooster and hen. how could you lose my ring? asked the hawk. if your are not going to find it i will catch and eat you chicks,,

the rooster and hen fearful for the lives of thier chicks they scratch and search the ground but never found the ring.. the angry hawk got his revenge and catch down the chicks up to eat them up.

we see now that the rooster and hen scratching on the ground even chick scratching everywhere to help thier parents find the ring beacause thier lives remain stake for as long the ring not founf and returned to the hawk..

the end.. i hope you enjoy this short myth. thank you for ypurn time reading please follow me for more asap..

i cannot link the source of the photo i dont know what happening to editor. by the way i will put the reference of this story

refernce; APA 'MYTHS AND LEGENDS; take journey back in time..,

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